President Young spoke of a cure for a sprain heat up the system
and the limb with hot watter, then into the cold water alternately
He had known many sprains cured in this way In speaking of the
House of Congress not organizing He said I look for the members
to go to the treasurer & demand their pay or per Dium. Many
remarks were made
~ Saturday
18 I rode to Fort Harriman and spent the night wilford also went &
carried a load of Potatoes for the sheep. I laid hands upon Brother Cooper
in the last stage of the Quick consumpsion it appeared as though He co[u]ld
not live but a short time
~ Sunday
19 Sunday I preached to the people in the fordt doring the day & in the
evening A. O. Smoot Preached upon the subject of the organization of
the thieves in this territory and that there must be a stop put to it
I followed him & talked vary plain upon the same subjet
~ Monday
20th I examined my sheep this morning I found 33 lambs & had lost 3
several of the sheep had the scab vary bad we rubed on tar & greese onto
the sore spots it is said to cure wharever it touches. I rode whom [home]
with Brother SmootWilford also came home with the mules I found
the Eastern mail had came in I got 3 Tribunes & one American Agri[c]ulter[ist]
No organization of the House up to Feb 1st. They are still Quarrelling I spent
the evening in the Historian office. The Regency met at President Youngsoffice
& President Yougng spoke upon Esstablishing High schools in this city said He
should call upon the conference to appropriate a portion of the tithing for this
purpose we had a hard snow storm at night 50 m[i]l[es]
~ Tuesday
21 I spent the day in the office President Young called upon us at the office &
said he wished us to do a little work he wanted us to get out the following Books Short Biography of the life of Brigham Young, History of Joseph
Smith, History of Great Salt Lake City, arival of the Saints & Progres
of Mormonism, Short Biography of the Church. He wished it for
Capt Gibsom who wishes it for an encyclopedia or general History
which is getting up in the U. S. A. He said Capt Gibson would come
into the office & write I spent the evening at the office
~ Wednesday
22 I called upon Capt Gibson & had a plesant interview with him
the door is open through Capt Gibson to publish in the New
American Cyclopaedia, The History of the Church including Joseph
Smith & Brigham Young The Twelve &c President Young called into the office a short time He then went down to a party at Sister Cobbs
17th 1860
President Young spoke of a cure for a sprain heat up the system
and the limb with hot watter, then into the cold water alternately
He had known many sprains cured in this way In speaking of the
House of Congress not organizing He said I look for the members
to go to the treasurer & demand their pay or per Dium. Many
remarks were made
~ Saturday
18 I rode to Fort Harriman and spent the night Wilford also went &
carried a load of Potatoes for the sheep. I laid hands upon Brother Cooper
in the last stage of the Quick consumpsion it appeared as though He could
not live but a short time
~ Sunday
19 Sunday I preached to the people in the fort doring the day & in the
evening A. O. Smoot Preached upon the subject of the organization of
the thieves in this territory and that there must be a stop put to it
I followed him & talked vary plain upon the same subject
~ Monday
20th I examined my sheep this morning I found 33 lambs & had lost 3
several of the sheep had the scab vary bad we rubed on tar & greese onto
the sore spots it is said to cure wharever it touches. I rode home
with Brother SmootWilford also came home with the mules I found
the Eastern mail had came in I got 3 Tribunes & one American Agriculterist
No organization of the House up to Feb 1st. They are still Quarrelling I spent
the evening in the Historian office. The Regency met at President Youngsoffice
& President Young spoke upon Esstablishing High schools in this city said He
should call upon the conference to appropriate a portion of the tithing for this
purpose we had a hard snow storm at night 50 ml
~ Tuesday
21 I spent the day in the office President Young called upon us at the office &
said he wished us to do a little work he wanted us to get out the following Books
[FIGURE] Short Biography of the life of Brigham Young, History of Joseph
Smith, History of Great Salt Lake City, arival of the Saints & Progress
of Mormonism, Short Biography of the Church. He wished it for
Capt Gibsom who wishes it for an encyclopedia or general History
which is getting up in the U.S.A. He said Capt Gibson would come
into the office & write I spent the evening at the office
~ Wednesday
22 [FIGURE] I called upon Capt Gibson & had a plesant interview with him
the door is open through Capt Gibson to publish in the New
American Cyclopaedia. The History of the Church including Joseph
Smith & Brigham YoungThe Twelve &c President Young called into the
office a short time He then went down to a party at sister Cobbs
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1860 – October 22, 1865)," February 17, 1860 - February 22, 1860, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 16, 2025,