Gospel of Christ. How long that
will be, it is not for me to say. The
Lord is going to make a short work
in these last days, He will cut short
His work in righteousness. By and
by the gospel will be taken from the
gentiles and will be sent to every
branch of Israel, and all will hear the
sound of the Gospel.
We are called to build up Zion,
and to establish righteousness and
truth; called to build up the kingdom
of God, and to warn the nations, that
they may be left without excuse in
the day of God's judgment and cala-
mity. Now, the eyes of the Latter-
day Saints, of those at least, who
live their religion, are open. They
understand the signs of the times.
They are not walking in darkness;
they should not be, at any rate. They
should have the light, and understand
the signs of the times, and know the
signs of the of the Son of
Man. [Doctrine and Covenants 68:11] The world does not under-
stand these things; they did not in
the days of Christ. They did not
understand that Jesus was the Son
of God, come to establish His king-
dom and to deliver Israel, and they
do not know it to-day; and that
makes the difference between them
and the Latter-day Saints. The
reason of this is that they have not
received the Gospel and the Holy
Ghost. They have not the inspira-
tion of the Almighty. They have
a spirit within them; but the in-
spiration of the Almighty would give
them understanding if they would
embrace the Gospel. But being
without the Gospel their understand-
ings are not enlightened. They do
not understand the scriptures, nor
the signs of the times. They do not
understand those principles which
God reveals to those who keep His
laws. This is the difference between
us and the world. We have an anx-
iety for their salvation; so has our
Father in heaven; but they must
abide the law. The God of heaven
abides a law, all the hosts of heaven
abide laws; they are exalted and glo-
rified by law. All the creations of
God are governed by law. The
earth abides the law for which it was
created. I have many times said,
and I think so still, that all the crea-
tions of God, except man, abide the
law. The beasts of the field, the
fowls of the air and the fish of the
sea all abide the law by which they
were created. I do not know of any
thing that breaks the laws of God
but man, who was made after the
image of God. And we as well as
all the other creations of God must
abide the law of our creation in or-
der to receive a fullness of glory and
blessing. This is the position we oc-
cupy as Latter-day Saints. We have
the Gospel, we profess to abide the
law of the Gospel; and we should, as
a people, be awake to the fact that
our Father in heaven has done all
He could for the salvation of the hu-
man family. He has made known the
laws necessary for the exaltation and
glory of man, and has done all that
can be done by law. We read that
in all died, and that in Christ
all were made alive. Jesus has died
to redeem all men; but in order that
they may be benefitted by His death,
and that His blood may cleanse them
from all actual sin committed in the
flesh, they must abide the law of the
Gospel. The sins done through Adam
we have been redeemed from by the
blood of Christ; and in order to ob-
tain salvation we must be obedient
and faithful to the precepts of the
Gospel. I feel as though we as a
people ought to rejoice; and we should
prize these gifts and blesssings God
has put into our hands, and we
should seek to magnify our callings,
and as a people fulfill the expectation
of our Father in heaven, and the ex-
Gospel of Christ. How long that
will be, it is not for me to say. The
Lord is going to make a short work
in these last days, He will cut short
His work in righteousness. By and
by the gospel will be taken from the
gentiles and will be sent to every
branch of Israel, and all will hear the
sound of the Gospel.
We are called to build up Zion,
and to establish righteousness and
truth; called to build up the kingdom
of God, and to warn the nations, that
they may be left without excuse in
the day of God's judgment and calamity. Now, the eyes of the Latterday Saints, of those at least, who
live their religion, are open. They
understand the signs of the times.
They are not walking in darkness;
they should not be, at any rate. They
should have the light, and understand
the signs of the times, and know the
signs of the coming of the Son of
Man. The world does not understand these things; they did not in
the days of Christ. They did not
understand that Jesus was the Son
of God, come to establish His kingdom and to deliver Israel, and they
do not know it to-day; and that
makes the difference between them
and the Latter-day Saints. The
reason of this is that they have not
received the Gospel and the Holy
Ghost. They have not the inspiration of the Almighty. They have
a spirit within them; but the inspiration of the Almighty would give
them understanding if they would
embrace the Gospel. But being
without the Gospel their understandings are not enlightened. They do
not understand the scriptures, nor
the signs of the times. They do not
understand those principles which
God reveals to those who keep His
laws. This is the difference between
us and the world. We have an anxiety for their salvation; so has our
Father in heaven; but they must
abide the law. The God of heaven
abides a law, all the hosts of heaven
abide laws; they are exalted and glorified by law. All the creations of
God are governed by law. The
earth abides the law for which it was
created. I have many times said,
and I think so still, that all the creations of God, except man, abide the
law. The beasts of the field, the
fowls of the air and the fish of the
sea all abide the law by which they
were created. I do not know of any
thing that breaks the laws of God
but man, who was made after the
image of God. And we as well as
all the other creations of God must
abide the law of our creation in order to receive a fullness of glory and
blessing. This is the position we occupy as Latter-day Saints. We have
the Gospel, we profess to abide the
law of the Gospel; and we should, as
a people, be awake to the fact that
our Father in heaven has done all
He could for the salvation of the human family. He has made known the
laws necessary for the exaltation and
glory of man, and has done all that
can be done by law. We read that
in all died, and that in Christ
all were made alive. Jesus has died
to redeem all men; but in order that
they may be benefitted by His death,
and that His blood may cleanse them
from all actual sin committed in the
flesh, they must abide the law of the
Gospel. The sins done through Adam
we have been redeemed from by the
blood of Christ; and in order to obtain salvation we must be obedient
and faithful to the precepts of the
Gospel. I feel as though we as a
people ought to rejoice; and we should
prize these gifts and blesssings God
has put into our hands, and we
should seek to magnify our callings,
and as a people fulfill the expectation
of our Father in heaven, and the ex-