the glory of the law they keep in the
flesh. If a man cannot abide a celes-
tial law, he cannot receive a celestial
glory, if a man cannot abide a terres-
trial law he cannot receive a terres-
trial glory; and if he cannot abide a
telestial law he cannot receive a te-
lestial glory, but will have to dwell
in a kingdom which is not a . This is according to
the revelations of God to us.
Here is where we differ from the
world of Christendom. Because we
have received the Gospel in its full-
ness and plainness, with its ordinan-
ces, its organization, with the priest-
hood, with its keys, powers and bles-
sings, its revelations and its light,
truth and inspiration and its Holy
Ghost. Everything which belongs
to it in one age of the world belongs
to it in another. In this the Gentile
world lie in darkness; they have fol-
lowed the same example of unbelief
as ancient Israel, by rejecting the
Gospel and persecuting the Saints,
and putting them to death, and shed-
ding the blood of the prophets and
apostles and those who held the Gos-
pel of the Kingdom of God in their
day; and they have gone into the
wilderness of darkness and unbelief,
and remained so, until God restored
the Gospel in this day.
Well, we as a people should rejoice
in this Gospel, for in possessing it
we are blessed above our fellow men.
No matter what the feelings of the
world may be, they do not make the
truth of God without effect, not
a bit of it. God has set His hand
in these last days to restore Israel,
and to call upon the inhabitants of
the earth for the last time. Ancient-
ly the Jews were called first. Jesus
came to them—his brethren—first;
the Gospel of the Kingdom was es-
tablished, and the Church organized
among them first; they rejected Him
and put to death their Shiloh, their
King who had come to deliver them.
He did not come as they expected;
they looked for a King, a monarch,
a leader, a warrior coming in the
clouds of heaven with power and
great glory to lead them to battle
and to set up an earthly kingdom
and rule and reign over them; they
did not look for him to come as the
Lamb slain from the foundation of
the world. They had not the light,
and consequently rejected Him and
His message and put Him to death,
and the Kingdom was given to the
Gentiles—first to the Jews, then to
the Gentiles. In these last days it
came to the Gentiles first; and when
they have proven themselves un-
worthy, it will be given to the Jews.
It is to the Gentiles that we have
been called to preach the Gospel.
For the last thirty-eight years,
since its establishment, have the El-
ders of this church been laboring
and traveling for the spread of the
principles of this Gospel. You may
track history from the days of the
ancient patriarchs to the days of , and you cannot find any
account of men who have traveled as
the Elders of Israel have. Jesus told
His disciples to go into all the world
and preach the Gospel to every living
creature, and he that believed and
was baptized should be saved, and
he that believed not should be damn-
ed. [Mark 16:15-16] But we can trace almost every
mile of the travels of the ancient
Apostles, and with the exception of
, their travels were confined to
, and chiefly to and
. But the Elders of this church
have traveled in every gentile nation
under heaven that would receive the
message. And as a general thing
the Elders have been faithful in this
work among the nations; and we
have not yet ceased to send them to
the gentiles, and we shall continue to
do so until they entirely reject the
the glory of the law they keep in the
flesh. If a man cannot abide a celestial law, he cannot receive a celestial
glory, if a man cannot abide a terrestrial law he cannot receive a terrestrial glory; and if he cannot abide a
telestial law he cannot receive a telestial glory, but will have to dwell
in a kingdom which is not a kingdom of glory. This is according to
the revelations of God to us.
Here is where we differ from the
world of Christendom. Because we
have received the Gospel in its fullness and plainness, with its ordinances, its organization, with the priesthood with its keys, powers and blessings, its revelations and its light,
truth and inspiration and its Holy
Ghost. Everything which belongs
to it in one age of the world belongs
to it in another. In this the Gentile
world lie in darkness; they have followed the same example of unbelief
as ancient Israel, by rejecting the
Gospel and persecuting the Saints,
and putting them to death, and shedding the blood of the prophets and
apostles and those who held the Gospel of the Kingdom of God in their
day; and they have gone into the
wilderness of darkness and unbelief,
and remained so, until God restored
the Gospel in this day.
Well, we as a people should rejoice
in this Gospel, for in possessing it
we are blessed above our fellow men.
No matter what the feelings of the
world may be, they do not make the
truth of God without effect, not
a bit of it. God has set His hand
in these last days to restore Israel,
and to call upon the inhabitants of
the earth for the last time. Anciently the Jews were called first. Jesus
came to them—his brethren—first;
the Gospel of the Kingdom was established, and the Church organized
among them first; they rejected Him
and put to death their Shiloh, their
King, who had come to deliver them.
He did not come as they expected;
they looked for a King, a monarch,
a leader, a warrior coming in the
clouds of heaven with power and
great glory to lead them to battle
and to set up an earthly kingdom
and rule and reign over them; they
did not look for him to come as the
Lamb slain from the foundation of
the world. They had not the light,
and consequently rejected Him and
His message and put Him to death,
and the Kingdom was given to the
Gentiles—first to the Jews, then to
the Gentiles. In these last days it
came to the Gentiles first; and when
they have proven themselves unworthy, it will be given to the Jews.
It is to the Gentiles that we have
been called to preach the Gospel.
For the last thirty-eight years,
since its establishment, have the Elders of this church been laboring
and traveling for the spread of the
principles of this Gospel. You may
track history from the days of the
ancient patriarchs to the days of , and you cannot find any
account of men who have traveled as
the Elders of Israel have. Jesus told
His disciples to go into all the world
and preach the Gospel to every living
creature, and he that believed and
was baptized should be saved, and
he that believed not should be damned. But we can trace almost every
mile of the travels of the ancient
Apostles, and with the exception of
, their travels were confined to
, and chiefly to and
. But the Elders of this church
have traveled in every gentile nation
under heaven that would receive the
message. And as a general thing
the Elders have been faithful in this
work among the nations; and we
have not yet ceased to send them to
the gentiles, and we shall continue to
do so until they entirely reject the