Editor Deseret News. ¶ You have asked me
to give my you a page of Hhistory from my jourls ^journals^
for the News. I can barely answer that
request, in the time allotted me to me, in a manner ^manner^
to satisfy my own minded. But it being the ownly Church paper devoted entirely to the Church I
will ^endeavor to^ give you a few items.
Concerning myself I will say I was
born , ^at [blank] county, Connecticut.^ ^In^ My early Life was ^I worked^
^as^ a farmer & a Mmiller. oOf course my childhood
was ^passed^ under the influence of the remnants of the Blue Laws of Connecticut. I remember the
day well when ^the^ Baptists & Methodists in Con^necticut^ with
wasere almost as unpopular as Mormons ^are^ to day. presbyterians & Congregationalists wasere the ruling ^ only ruling^ religions of New England in my boy ^child^hood. In attendings the Su^n^day School in my
early Boyhood, under Dr Noah, porter and
learning chaptrs by heart, I saw what Jesus Christ
The First Presidency
of the
Church of Jesus Christ
Latter-day Saints
Editor Deseret News. ¶ You have asked me
to give you a page ofhistory from my journals
for the News. I can barely answer that
request, in the time allotted to me, in a manner
to satisfy my own mind. But
will endeavor to give you a few items.
I was
born , at [blank] county, Connecticut. In My early Life I worked
as a farmer & amiller.Of course my childhood
was passed under the influence of the remnants of the
Blue Laws of Connecticut. I remember the
day well when the Baptists & Methodists in Connecticut
were almost as unpopular as Mormons are to day.
presbyterians & Congregationalists were the
ruling religions of New England in my
childhood. In attendings the Sunday School in my
early Boyhood, under Dr Noah, porter and
learning cler◊◊ts by heart, I saw what Jesus Christ
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