And the Apostls taught. These principles were
so finely imprinted in my mind ^that^ I could never
join any chor^urch,^ [receive] the churches of to ^that^ day
did not Believe in them, untill I heard Zera Pulsipher, a Mermon^ormon^ Elder preach to me
& my Brother Azmon ^* and a large congregation of neighbors^ in Richland, Oswego Co.,
N^ew^ York, ^before^ witha large congregation of Neighbours, at the same time on the . On
^hearing^ the first sermon I & my brother Azmon ^were convinced, and we^ went
forth & wasere Baptized on the ,
which will be 59, years ^ago^ the 31^st^ of this month.
^¶^ I went up in Zion's Camp, in the spring
of , to Missouri, to the assistance of our
people who had been driven out of Jackson CO^unty^. There are but Very few of the ^members of that^ Camp ^are^ still
Living to day. That thousand miles journey with the
prophet Joseph Smith, in 1834, gave ^was to^ me a
school of Experience that I shall never forget
in this world nor the world to come.
While the prophet returned to Kirtland with most
of his company, I rem^ain^ed in Clay County, Moissouri,
And the Apostls taught. These principles were
so finely imprinted in my mind that I could never
join any church, receive the churches of that day
did not Believe in them, untill I heard
Zera Pulsipher, a Mormon Elder preach to me
& my Brother Azmon * and a large congregation of neighbors in Richland, Oswego Co.,
New York,
on the . On
hearing the first sermon I & my brother Azmon were convinced, and we went
forth & were Baptized on the ,
which will be 59, years ago the 31st of this month.
¶ I went in Zion's Camp, in the spring
of 1834, to Missouri, to the assistance of our
people who had been driven out of Jackson COunty.
Very few of the members of that Camp are
Living to day. That thousand miles journey with the
prophet Joseph Smith, in 1834, was to me a
school of Experience that I shall never forget
in this world nor the world to come.
While the prophet returned to Kirtland with most
of his company, I remained in Clay County, Missouri,
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