Your favor of the
23rd ult was received and read with much pleasure
and I have deemed it wisdom to publish it in part
for the encouragement of the Elders that they may
redouble their efforts and work whilst the day
lasts. PrestFjeldsted writes us under date of Sep. 21st
as follows—"It is with regret that I must inform
you that we are meeting with quite an oppo-
sition in the Aalborg Conference, as also oin Bornholm, from which places now several
of the Elders have been banished so I have
for athe time being compelled to withdraw the
missionaries from Bornholm and send the
one (bro E. Kofford), under banishment, to Norway
where also a brother Nielsen from Aalborg
Conf[eren]ce had to go a few weeks ago, and now
Bro. C. K. Hansen, President of Aalborg Conf[eren]ce
is also banished and Bro L. C. Johnson expects
to get papers served on him in a few days,
but I have changed him to another Con-
ference so perhaps he can evade the officers
and remain in Denmark. The police are
also seeking after the other brethren now laboring
Your favor of the
23rd ult was received and read with much pleasure
and I have deemed it wisdom to publish it in part
for the encouragement of the Elders that they may
redouble their efforts and work whilst the day
lasts. PrestFjeldsted writes us under date of Sep. 21st
as follows—"It is with regret that I must inform
you that we are meeting with quite an opposition in the Aalborg Conference, as alsoin
Bornholm, from which places now several
of the Elders have been banished so I have
forthe time being compelled to withdraw the
missionaries from Bornholm and send the
one (bro E. Kofford), under banishment, to Norway
where also a brother Nielsen from Aalborg
Conference had to go a few weeks ago, and now
Bro. C. K. Hansen, President of Aalborg Conference
is also banished and Bro L. C. Johnson expects
to get papers served on him in a few days,
but I have changed him to another Conference so perhaps he can evade the officers
and remain in Denmark. The police are
also seeking after the other brethren now laboring
"Letter from George Teasdale, 28 September 1889," p. 1, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 2, 2025,