Sunday I attended service in the House of the Lord. In the
afternoon Elders Heber C. Kimble^all^ and Orson Pratt was followed by Sidney
Rigdon. He laid before them their situation as to temporal things said
that the Gentiles were besieging the Saints and would gladly starve them to
death; that the Presidency had used every means for the deliverance of the
Church; but that as many of the Church had refused Kirtland currency which
was designed for our temporal salvation they had put strength into the
hands of our enemies and thus the community must suffer by it.
Joseph then arose and like the Lion of the Tribe of Judah
poured out his soul in the midst of the congregation of Saints. While
listening I thought "Who can find language to write his words and teachings
as with an iron pen in a rock that they might stand for future generations
to look upon." He seemed a fountain of knowledge from whose mouth
streams of eternal wisdom flowed; and ^as^ he stood before the people
he showed that the authority of God was upon him. When speaking
of those who had professed to be his friends and the friends of
humanity but who had turned traitors opposed the curancy and
consequently the prosperity of Kirtland he proclaimed that the Lord
would severely deal with. Joseph uttered the feelings of his soul
in pain whie viewing the poverty and afflictions of the Saints
and in finding false brethren like whitened ^sepulcher^ whose course brings
perils upon the Church. [Matthew 23:27] Joseph is a father to Ephraim and
to all Israel in these last days and he mourned because of
unbelief and the negligence manifested by many who have received
the Gospel and be feared lest but few be left of those in Kirtland
to recieve an inheritance. I wrote in my journal of this day,
"There is not so great a man as Joseph standing in this generation.
The Gentiles look upon him and he is like a bed of gold concealed
from human view. They know not his principle his spirit,
his wisdom his virtue his philanthropy nor his calling. His
mind like Enoch's expands as eternity and only God can
comprehend his soul.
Marriage being an institution of Heaven and honorable
withal on the , I joined hand with Miss Phebe W. Carter in the bonds of holy matrimony. My first
acquaintence with my wife was on the eve of the 28th of
Sunday I attended service in the House of the Lord. In the
afternoon Elders Heber C. Kimball and Orson Pratt was followed by Sidney
Rigdon. He laid before them their situation as to temporal things said
that the Gentiles were besieging the Saints and would gladly starve them to
death; that the Presidency had used every means for the deliverance of the
Church; but that as many of the Church had refused Kirtland currency which
was designed for our temporal salvation they had put strength into the
hands of our enemies and thus the community must suffer by it.
Joseph then arose and like the Lion of the Tribe of Judah
poured out his soul in the midst of the congregation of Saints. While
listening I thought "Who can find language to write his words and teachings
as with an iron pen in a rock that they might stand for future generations
to look upon." He seemed a fountain of knowledge from whose mouth
streams of eternal wisdom flowed; and as he stood before the people
he showed that the authority of God was upon him. When speaking
of those who had professed to be his friends and the friends of
humanity but who had turned traitors opposed the curancy and
consequently the prosperity of Kirtland he proclaimed that the Lord
would severely deal with. Joseph uttered the feelings of his soul
in pain whie viewing the poverty and afflictions of the Saints
and in finding false brethren like whitened sepulcher whose course brings
perils upon the Church. Matthew 23:27 Joseph is a father to Ephraim and
to all Israel in these last days and he mourned because of
unbelief and the negligence manifested by many who have received
the Gospel and be feared lest but few be left of those in Kirtland
to recieve an inheritance. I wrote in my journal of this day,
"There is not so great a man as Joseph standing in this generation.
The Gentiles look upon him and he is like a bed of gold concealed
from human view. They know not his principle his spirit,
his wisdom his virtue his philanthropy nor his calling. His
mind like Enoch's expands as eternity and only God can
comprehend his soul.
Marriage being an institution of Heaven and honorable
withal on the , I joined hand with Miss
Phebe W. Carter in the bonds of holy matrimony. My first
acquaintence with my wife was on the eve of the 28th of