meadows in the debth of winter with the roads drifted with snow and in an exceding
blustering day I became so chilled and overcome with the cold that I could not travel I cralwled
into the hallow of a large Apple tree to rest me. A man in the distance seeing me go into it hastened to me
realizing more fully than I did the danger I was in. when he arived at the spot I had fallen asleep,
& was nearly insensible he had much difficulty in arousing me to a sens of my situation. he procu-
red means to convey me to my Fathers House and through a kind Providence my life was again pres[er]ved.
At Fourteen years of Age I split my left instep open with an Ax which went nearly through my foot
it was about nine months getting well. I suffered much with it.
At Fifteen years of age I was bit in the hand with a mad dog in the last stage of the hydrophobia
but he ownly dented my hand with his Teeth but did not draw blood & I was again preserved through
the mercy of God from an awful death
At the age of seventeen I met with an accident which caused me much suffering & came near
Ending my life I was riding very ill tempered horse whose temper & practices I was igno-
rant of and while going down a vary steep rocky hill the horse took the advantage of the ground
instantly leaped from the road & ran down the steepest part of the Hill amid the thickest of the rocks at
full speed and he commenced kicking up at the same time & was about landing me over his head am[o]ng
the rocks but I lodged on the top of his head & grasp one hand hold of each ear as with a death
grasp, expecting evry moment to be dashed to peaces against the rocks, while in this position seting
Astride his neck with no bridle to guide him but his ears, he plunged down the hill among the rocks
with all fury untill he struck a rock near breast high, which dashed him to the earth. I went over
his head about one rod and struck the ground square upon my feet being the ownly thing that saved
my life: for had I sruck the ground on any other part of my body it must have killed me instatly.
as it was my bones crushed from under me as though they were reeds. I broke twoone ^one^ of my legs & one twice in two & put out both of my ancles in a shocking manner. And the horse came nigh
rolling over me afterwards in his struggles. An Uncle of mine saw me fall & hastened to my
relief, & got assistance & carried me to his house in an arm chair. I lay from 2 oclok in the Afternoon
till 10 at night without aids then my Father arived bringing with him Dr. Swift of Farmington
who set my bones boxed up my limbs & carryed me in his carriage 8 miles that night to my Fathers
house my sufferings were vary great; yet I had good attendance & in 8 weeks was outdoors
upon my crutches, & soon was well again.
In A.D. while I was tending a flouring mill for Aunt Wheeler in Avon Ct. I was
standing upon one of the wheels clearing the ice off A man hoisted the gate & let a full head of water
upon the wheel which instantly started as the water struck it at the same instant my feet sliped into the wheel
wheel. I immediately plunged head foremost over the rim of the wheel into about 3 feet of water & my weight drew
my legs out of the wheel or I should have been drawn under a shaft & crushed to death
In AD while having charge of the flouring Mill at Collinsvill Ct. I was standing inside
of a Breast wheel 20 feet in diameter upon one of the Arms near the top clearing the ice out of it when
A full head of water was let onto it it immediately started I droped my ax and leaped to the bottom
of the wheel by the shaft & arms near 20 feet. As I struck the bottom of the wheel I was rolled
out against a ragged stone wall with ownly two feet clearance between it & ^the^ wheel the wheel caught
me and rolled me out into the water below whare I found myself without any broaken bones
but with some bruises and much fright
meadows in the debth of winter with the roads drifted with snow and in an exceding
blustering day I became so chilled and overcome with the cold that I could not travel I crawled
into the hallow of a large Apple tree to rest me. A man in the distance seeing me go into it hastened to me
realizing more fully than I did the danger I was in. when he arived at the spot I had fallen asleep,
& was nearly insensible he had much difficulty in arousing me to a sens of my situation. he procured means to convey me to my Fathers House and through a kind Providence my life was again preserved.
At Fourteen years of Age I split my left instep open with an Ax which went nearly through my foot
it was about nine months getting well. I suffered much with it.
At Fifteen years of age I was bit in the hand with a mad dog in the last stage of the hydrophobia
but he ownly dented my hand with his Teeth but did not draw blood & I was again preserved through
the mercy of God from an awful death
At the age of seventeen I met with an accident which caused me much suffering & came near
Ending my life I was riding very ill tempered horse whose temper & practices I was ignorant of and while going down a vary steep rocky hill the horse took the advantage of the ground
instantly leaped from the road & ran down the steepest part of the Hill amid the thickest of the rocks at
full speed and he commenced kicking up at the same time & was about landing me over his head among
the rocks but I lodged on the top of his head & grasp one hand hold of each ear as with a death
grasp, expecting evry moment to be dashed to peaces against the rocks, while in this position seting
Astride his neck with no bridle to guide him but his ears, he plunged down the hill among the rocks
with all fury untill he struck a rock near breast high, which dashed him to the earth. I went over
his head about one rod and struck the ground square upon my feet being the ownly thing that saved
my life: for had I sruck the ground on any other part of my body it must have killed me instatly.
as it was my bones crushed from under me as though they were reeds. I brokeone one of my legs
twice in two & put out both of my ancles in a shocking manner. And the horse came nigh
rolling over me afterwards in his struggles. An Uncle of mine saw me fall & hastened to my
relief, & got assistance & carried me to his house in an arm chair. I lay from 2 oclok in the Afternoon
till 10 at night without aids then my Father arived bringing with him Dr. Swift of Farmington
who set my bones boxed up my limbs & carryed me in his carriage 8 miles that night to my Fathers
house my sufferings were vary great; yet I had good attendance & in 8 weeks was outdoors
upon my crutches, & soon was well again.
In A.D. 1827 while I was tending a flouring mill for Aunt Wheeler in Avon Ct. I was
standing upon one of the wheels clearing the ice off A man hoisted the gate & let a full head of water
upon the wheel which instantly started as the water struck it at the same instant my feet sliped into the wheel
wheel. I immediately plunged head foremost over the rim of the wheel into about 3 feet of water & my weight drew
my legs out of the wheel or I should have been drawn under a shaft & crushed to death
In AD 1831 while having charge of the flouring Mill at Collinsvill Ct. I was standing inside
of a Breast wheel 20 feet in diameter upon one of the Arms near the top clearing the ice out of it when
A full head of water was let onto it it immediately started I droped my ax and leaped to the bottom
of the wheel by the shaft & arms near 20 feet. As I struck the bottom of the wheel I was rolled
out against a ragged stone wall with ownly two feet clearance between it & the wheel the wheel caught
me and rolled me out into the water below whare I found myself without any broaken bones
but with some bruises and much fright
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