hooting and yelling, but the were strengthened seeing
they were not of the world and therefore the world hated
them and we went on our way rejoicing that we were
persecuted for the Gospel's sake.
Afterwards we walked to
and found and zrejoicing exceedingly
in the Lord. I baptized one person here and administered
unto one sick and tarried at Brother Benbows
June 20th was spent in company
of Elders & in arranging for the
Froom's Hill conference. It was an exceedingly busy
day for we had much buisness to attend to. Among
the duties of this day I baptized eight persons and
we confirmed fourteen administered to the sick and
blessed three children. The power of God was in the
midst of the people and bringing about a marvellous
work in this part of the land. There were now
five hundred souls number in church in the
of the
held at
JUNE 21st 1840
The Preachers and members of the Froom's Hill
circuit of United Brethren met at the house
of Elder on Standly Hill Herefordshire England
June 21st A.D. 1840 at 10 o'clock a.m. when the meeting
was called to order by Elder Thomas Kington and Elder
Willford Woodruff was chosen President and Elder John
Benbow clerk of the meeting
hooting and yelling, but the Saints were strengthened seeing
they were not of the world and therefore the world hated
them and we went on our way rejoicing that we were
persecuted for the Gospel's sake.
Afterwards we walked to
and found and rejoicing exceedingly
in the Lord. I baptized one person here and administered
unto one sick and tarried at Brother Benbows
June 20th was spent in company
of Elders & in arranging for the
Froom's Hill Conference. It was an exceedingly busy
day for we had much buisness to attend to. Among
the duties of this day I baptized eight persons and
we confirmed fourteen administered to the sick and
blessed three children. The power of God was in the
midst of the people and bringing about a marvellous
work in this part of the land. There were now
five hundred souls numberd in the church in the
of the
held at
JUNE 21st 1840
The Preachers and members of the Froom's Hill
circuit of United Brethren met at the house
of Elder on Standly Hill Herefordshire England
June 21st A.D. 1840 at 10 o'clock a.m. when the meeting
was called to order by Elder Thomas Kington and Elder
Willford Woodruff was chosen President and Elder John
Benbow clerk of the meeting