for the whole six hundred dollars. My Lot was
No 4 Block 10 in addition to
Next day called upon me and
others of the Twelve to attend meeting at his house in
the evening. Many good principles were presented by
Joseph and such as "Speak not in tongues
to your own nation but to those of another nation
and then it would condem the unbeleiver; for the Lord
does not work in vain. Joseph spoke much on
the 14 ch of 1 Cor. upon prophesies ceasing.
The following day the Twelve spent
with Joseph the Seer and he unfolded to them many
glorious things at the Kingdom of God the privileges
and blessings of the Pristhood &c. I had the
privilege for the first time of
Seeing the
I spent the week as usual in my daily labours and
thus closed the year by my recording on the last
day in my Journal a synopsis of my travels &
labours in the ministry during 1841
The Travels and Labours
Willford Woodruff in 1841.
Towns & Cities visited during the year.
In and :
for the whole six hundred dollars. My Lot was
No 4 Block 10 in addition to
Next day called upon me and
others of the Twelve to attend meeting at his house in
the evening. Many good principles were presented by
Joseph and such as "Speak not in tongues
to your own nation but to those of another nation
and then it would condem the unbeleiver; for the Lord
does not work in vain. Joseph spoke much on
the 14. ch of 1 Cor. upon prophesies ceasing.
The following day the Twelve spent
with Joseph the Seer and he unfolded to them many
glorious things at the Kingdom of God the privileges
and blessings of the Pristhood &c. I had the
privilege for the first time of
Seeing the Urum Thummim
I spent the week as usual in my daily labours and
thus closed the year by my recording on the last
day in my Journal a synopsis of my travels &
labours in the ministry during 1841
The Travels and Labours
Willford Woodruff in 1841.
Towns & Cities visited during the year.
In and :