the Saints and from thence we went to Stoke and I felt
truly to rejoice to once more meet the Saints in this region
We had an interview with Elder Cordon and preached at Stoke
where we spent the night
The next day I met Elder George A
Smith and whith him and brother Turley I wrote a letter to
President Joseph Smith and on the following being Sunday
we held a camp meeting at Stoke
There was a large congregation present
Elders Smith Turley and Cordon preached in the forenoon and
Elders Woodruff Glover and Smith in the afternoon
On the 29th the churches of the Staffordshire
Potteries met at Hanly when the Branches were organized
into a conference, called the conference of the Staffordshire
Potteries. Elder George A. Smith was the president of
the meeting. I was present and assisted in the business of
the day.
We had
a pleasant time together. On the Sunday I preached to a
congregation of nearly one thousand and communed with about
500 Saints
The General
A General conference of the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter Day Saints was held in the Carpenters
Hall Manchester on the
the Saints and from thence we went to Stoke and I feel
truly to rejoice to once mmore meet the Saints in this region
We had an interview with Elder Cordon and preached at Stoke
where we spent the night
The next day I met Elder George A
Smith and with him and brother Turley I wrote a letter to
President Joseph Smith and on the following being Sunday
we held a camp meeting at Stoke
There was a large congregation present
Elders Smith Turley and Cordon preached in the forenoon and
Elders Woodruff Glover and Smith in the afternoon
On the 29th the Churches of the Staffordshire
Potteries met at Hanly when the Branches were organized
into a Conference, called the Conference of the Stafforshire
Potteries. Elder George A. Smith was the president of
the meeting. I was present and assisted in the business of
the day.