There were present of the Twelve Apostles , Willford Woodruff and and of other officers 5 High Priests
19 Elders; 15 Priests; 11 Teachers and 3 Deacons
Shortly after 10 a.m. the meeting was called
to order by Elder . It was moved by Elder Brigham
Young and seconded by Willford Woodruff that Elder Parley P. Pratt
be chosen President of the conference which was unanimously
carried and William Clayton was chosen clerk. The President opened
the meeting by prayer. There were then represented 41 churches in
England and Scotland. The British Mission thean stood
as follows
Churches 41. Members 2513
Elders 56; Priests 126; Teachers 61; Deacons 13.
Increase of the last Three months
of Members 842; of Elders 22; of Priests 74
of Teachers 23; of Deacons 5.
It was moved and carried that Elders
and be ordained High Priests and
, ,
, and be ordained Elders
and that , , , , and
be ordained Priests. They were ordained under the hands of
Elders Brigham Young and Willard Richards.
Much other business was transacted this day
and the General Conference closed with the benediction from
Elder Brigham Young.
President—Parley P. Pratt
Clerk—William Clayton
Elders Young and Pratt ordained a man about the last
of June to the office of Elder who was in the British army
and who is now ordered to with the regiment to which he belongs
There he will carry the Gospel. He sailed in good spirits determined
to preach the Latter-Day work in the far off land where he was
bound. On the 17th of July Elders George A. Smith and A. Cordon
also ordained to the office of Elder of
There were present of the Twelve Apostles Willford Woodruff and and of other officers 5 High Priests
19 Elders; 15 Priests; 11 Teachers and 3 Deacons
Shortly after 10 a.m. the meeting was called
to order by Elder . It was moved by Elder Brigham
Young and seconded by Willford Woodruff that Elder Parley P. Pratt
be chosen President of the Conference which was unanimously
carried and William Clayton was chosen clerk. The President opened
the meeting by prayer. There were then represented 41 churches in
England and Scotland. The British Mission then stood
as follows
Churches 41. Members 2513
Elders 56; Priests 126; Teachers 61; Deacons 13.
Increase of the last Three months
of Members 842; of Elders 22; of Priests 74
of Teachers 23; of Deacons 5.
It was moved and carried that Elders
and be ordained High Priests and
, ,
, and be ordained Elders
and that , , , , and
be ordained Priests. They were ordained under the hands of
Elders Brigham Young and Willard Richards.
Much other business was transacted this day
and the General Conference closed with the benediction from
Elder Brigham Young.
President—Parley P. Pratt
Clerk—William Clayton
Elders Young and Pratt ordained a man about the last
of June to the office of Elder who was in the British army
and who is now ordered to with the regiment to which he belongs
There he will carry the Gospel. He sailed in good spirits determined
to preach the Latter-Day work in the far off land where he was
bound. On the 17th of July Elders George A. Smith and A. Cordon
also ordained to the office of Elder of