a discourse of which I noted the following:
Gems ^Items^
A Discourse by
"It is not wisdom that we should have all knowledge
presented at once before us but that we should have
a little at a time. Then we can comprehend it"
-[The speaker then read the Second Epistle
of 1st ch. from the 16th to the last verse and
dwelt upon the 19th verse. Among other remarks
upon the words of the Apostle, "Add to your faith
knowledge" &c [2 Peter 1:5] the Prophet said]-
"The principle of knowledge is the principle
of salvation. This doctrine can be comprehended for any
one who cannot obtain ^will receive^ knowledge to be saved will be
The principle of salvation is given to
us through the knowledge of Jesus Christ. Salvation
is nothing more nor less than to triumph over all our
enemies and put them under our feet in this world
and a knowledge to triumph over all evil spirits in
the world to come: Then we are saved; as in the
case of Jesus Christ. He was to reign until he
had put all enemies under his feet and the last enemy
was death
Perhaps there is a principle here
that few men have thought of. No person can have
this salvation except through a tabernacle
Now in this world mankind are
naturaly selfish and ambitious and striving to excel
one above another yet some are willing to build up
others as well as themselves
So in the other world there is a variety
of spirits some of whom seek to excel. This was
a discourse of which I noted the following:
A Discourse by Joseph
"It is not wisdom that we should have all knowledge
presented at once before us but that we should have
a little at a time. Then we can comprehend it"
[The speaker then read the Second Epistle
of 1st ch. and
dwelt upon the 19th verse. Among other remarks
upon the words of the Apostle, "And to your faith
knowledge" &c the Prophet said.]
"The Principle of knowledge is the principle
of salvation. This doctrine can be comprehended for any
one who will receive knowledge to be saved will be
The principle of salvation is given to
us through the knowledge of Jesus Christ. Salvation
is nothing more nor less than to triumph over all our
enemies and put them under our feet in this world
and a knowledge to triumph over all evil Spirits in
the world to come: Then we are saved; as in the
case of Jesus Christ. He was to reign until he
had put all enemies under his feet and the last enemy
was death.
Perhaps there is a principle here
that few men have thought of. No person can have
this salvation except through a tabernacle.
Now in this world mankind are
naturaly selfish and ambitious and striving to excel
one above another yet some are willing to build up
others as well as themselves.
So in the other world there is a variety
of spirits some of whom seek to excel. This was