the case with the Devil. When he fell he sought for
things which were unlawful. Hence he was cast
down and it is said that he drew away many
with him and the greatness of his punishment
is that he shall not have a tabernacle. This
is his punishment.
So the Devil thinking to thwart
the decree of God goeth up and down the earth
seeking whom he may destroy. Any person
whom he can find who will yeild to him he
will find and take possession of the body and reign
there glorifying mightily forgeting that he has a
stolen body. By and by some one having authority
comes along and casts him out and restores the
tabernacle to its rightful owner. The devil steals
a tabernacle because he has not one of his own but
when he has stolen it he is liable to be turned out
of doors"
-[Upon the 19th verse the
"Now there is some grand secret
here and a key to unlock the subject. Notwithstanding
the exhorts them to add to their faith virtue
knowledge temperance &c [2 Peter 1:5-6] yet he exhorts them to make
their calling and election sure [2 Peter 1:10]. Though they had
heard the audible voice from heaven bearing testimony
that Jesus was the Son of God yet he says we have
a more sure word of prophecy whereunto ye do well
that ye take heed as unto a light shining in a
dark place [2 Peter 1:19]
Now wherein could they have a
more sure word of prophecy than to hear the voice of
God saying this is my beloved Son? Now for the
secret and grand key.
Though they might have heard
the voice of the and know that Jesus was
the Son of God this would be no evidence that their
calling and election was made sure and that
the case with the Devil. When he fell he sought for
things which were unlawful. Hence he was cast
down and it is said that he drew away many
with him and the greatness of his punishment
is that he shall not have a tabernacle. This
is his punishment.
So the Devil thinking to thwart
the decree of God goeth up and down the earth
seeking whom he may destroy. Any person
whom he can find who will yeild to him he
will find and take possession of the body and reign
there glorifying mightily forgeting that he has a
stolen body. By and by some one having authority
comes along and casts him out and restores the
tabernacle to its rightful owner. The devil steals
a tabernacle because he has not one of his own but
when he has stolen it he is liable to be turned out
of doors"
[Upon the 19th verse the Prophet
Now there is some grand secret
here and a key to unlock the subject. Notwithstanding
the Apostle exhorts them to add to their faith virtue
knowledge temperance &c yet he exhorts them to make
their calling and election sure. Though they had
heard the audible voice from heaven bearing testimony
that Jesus was the Son of God yet he says we have
a more sure word of prophecy whereunto ye do well
that ye take heed as unto a light shining in a
dark place.
Now wherein could they have a
more sure word of prophecy than to hear the voice of
God saying this is my beloved Son? Now for the
secret and grand key.
Though they might have heard
the voice of the Father and know that Jesus was
the Son of God this would be no evidence that their
calling and election was made sure and that