held at
Wostershire England
June 14th 1840
The Preachers and members of the and
Gadfield's Elm Branch of the Circuit of the
United Brethren met at the Gadfield's Elm chapel
pursuant to previous notice. The meeting was called to
order by Elder . Willard Richards was
chosen President and Elder clerk.
The Church of the United Brethren
transformed to a Conference of
the Church of LATTER DAY SAINTS.
The meeting opened by prayer offered up by Elder
Willford Woodruff after which remarks were made by the
President respecting the business of the day and the necessary
changes to be made. It was moved by Elder Thomas Kington
and seconded by Elder Browett that this district be hereafter
known by the name of
The Bran Green & Gadfield Elm Conference
of the Church of Jesus Christ of L.D.S.
organized and established by the will and commandment of
God in the U.S of America
on the 6th day of April A.D 1830
held at
Worces Wostershire England
June 14th 1840
The Preachers and members of the and
Gadfield's Elm Branch of the Circuit of the
United Brethren met at the Gadfield's Elm Chapel
pursuant of previous notice. The meeting was called to
order by Elder . Willard Richards was
chosen President and Elder clerk.
The Church of the United Brethren
transformed to a Conference of
the Church of LATTER DAY SAINTS.
The meeting opened by prayer offered up by Elder
Willford Woodruff after which remarks were made by the
President respecting the business of the day and the necessary
changes to be made. It was moved by Elder Thomas Kington
and seconded by Elder Browett that this district be hereafter
known by the name of
The Bran Green & Gadfield Elm Conference
of the Church of Jesus Christ of L. D. S.
organized and established by the will and commandment of
God in the U. S. of America
on the 6th day of April A. D. 1830