BabbitAdamsBlakelyMagin and the like. We
are rough stones out of the mountain and when we
roll through the forest and knock the bark off
the trees it does not hurt us even if we should
get a corner knocked off occassionally. The more
we roll and get the corners knocked off the better
we are; but if we were polished and smooth when
we got the corners knocked off it would deface
This is the case with Joseph Smith.
He never professed to be a dressed smooth polished
stone but was rough out of the mountains and
has been rolling among the rocks and trees and it
has not hurt him at all. But he will be as
smooth and polished in the end as any other
stone while many that were so very polished and
smooth in the beginning get badly defaced and
spoiled while rolling about."
Elders Parley P and Orson Pratt followed and
then the Conference adjourned until 10 o'clock the
next morning
^We continued^ Conference the next day which was
Sunday and in the morning I preached a lengthy
discourse from the 3rd ch of Amos verse 7th.
I left Boston on the
at 5 o'clock p.m. in the Express train for Portland
and at about 10 o'clock while passing through Chester
woots 6 miles south of Kennebunk the engine
was thrown from the track in consequence of a rail
being raised eight inches by some designing miscreant
The force was such that it drove the engine
about five rods ahead and smashed it to pieces with
the baggage cars piled upon the top of it
One lady was brused but not dangerously
and another was slightly injured. The lives of many
were in danger and it seemed a mystry that so little
BabbitAdamsBlakelyMagin and the like. We
are rough stones out of the mountain and when we
roll through the forest and knock the bark off
the trees it does not hurt us even if we should
get a corner knocked off occassionally. The more
we roll and get the corners knocked off the better
we are; but if we were polished and smooth when
we got the corners knocked off it would deface
This is the case with Joseph Smith.
He never professed to be a dressed smooth polished
stone but was rough out of the mountains and
has been rolling among the rocks and trees and it
has not hurt him at all. But he will be as
smooth and polished in the end as any other
stone while many that were so very polished and
smooth in the beginning yet badly defaced and
spoiled while rolling about."
Elders Parley and Orson Pratt followed and
then the Conference adjourned until 10 o'clock the
next morning
We continued Conference the next day which was
Sunday and in the morning I preached a lengthy
discourse forom the 3rd ch of Amos verse 7th.
I left Boston on the 12th of September
at 5 o'clock p.m. in the Express train for Portland
and at about 10 o'clock while passing through Chester
woods 6 miles south of Kennebunk the engine
was thrown from the track in consequence of a rail
being raised eight inches by some designing misreant
The force was such that it drove the engine
about five rods ahead and smashed it to pieces with
the baggage cars piled upon the top of it
One lady was brused but not dangerously
and another was slightly injured. The lives of many
were in danger and it seemed a mystry that so little