Elder in the name of the Lord. I believe that you was actuated and moved upon by the yea I believe that you was honest and sincere in those things. And if this was the case let me now
ask by what spirit are you governed and controlled when you turn around and deny and reject these
things it certainly is not of God. And now Brother considering exhisting circumstances
with you I cannot forbear unreservedly telling you what I Believe concerning you and your course
when I have behel the light and Glory that the and is presenting to us in these
it has been a source of Great Enjoyment to me in the reflection that the day was near when
I should Join with you in the kingdom of God in partaking of those Celestial Immortal and Eternal
glories But Alas how am I disappointed Brother Azmon unless you repent like and humble
yourself before God I do not ever expect to meet you there. [Matthew 26:75] Dear Sir you have but a faint
idea of the immortal Joys & glories that you have in a voluntary manner deprived yourself
the privilege of ever enjoying. I intreat you in Christ stead to stop while to stop is in your
power and consider the awful calamity and destruction you are bringing upon your own soul.
I mean by denying the Lord that bought you, and put him to an open shame. perhaps you may
consider this a light thing But those revelations which you have denyed are the Revelation of Jesus
Christ And you will soon find it a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God. [Hebrews 10:31] I had not
received your letter when I sent you the and if you have received them
and consider them of No worth unto you, You will do me a favor by giving them to Brother Fisk
or to someone in the church of the Latter Day Saints. But above all things I warn you to beware about
treating those things with disdain or making ridiclule of them for of a truth if you do they will
rise in Judgment against you. you now profess to believe those revelations to be of man & not of God
but should they at last prove to be of God it would be better for you that they had not fallen into your hands
inasmuch as you treat lightly the things which they contain. But there is no doubt upon my mind upon
this subject And I again warn you in the name of Jesus Christ that you no more tread lightly those
Revelations and Commandments for in so doing you treat with disdain the council of the Almighty
and set at naught the Revelations of Jesus Christ and if you continue to do those things they will serve
to pearce your soul Yea if you continue such a course and do not repent you will have cause to
drink with carefulness & Eat your bread with trembling for your days of prosperity will be few
Brother Azmon the day is nigh even at your own door when you will know of a truth that these
sayings are not fables but Eternal truths. the time is at hand when the heavens will be rolled together as
a scroll and Jesus Christ will be revealed in the clouds of Heaven with his saints to take vengance on
those who know not God and obey not the Gospel And He will reward evry man according to the deeds
done in the body.
Brother Azmon I have dealt thus plain with you that I may be clear of your
Blood and be found acquitted at the . I think it doubtful whether I meet you short of
the Eternal world. But I commend you into the hands of Almighty God who doeth all things
wright. I leave these remarks in your hands to deal with as you see fit. But remember we are
Accountable to God for all the deeds done in the Body That the Lord will be merciful unto you and deliver
you from Darkness And Error, give you light and truth & so direct your remaining days as to cause you to
repent and humble yourself before God that you may again Embrace the of the & the
that you may escape the Just Judgments of God is the earnest Prayer of you[r]
Absent Brother.
I would say to all my friends that I desire your welfare and your salvation And
I intreat you all not to treat lightly or abuse any sacred things or principles which you have in
Elder in the name of the Lord. I believe that you was actuated and moved upon by the yea I believe that you was honest and sincere in those things. And if this was the case let me now
ask by what spirit are you governed and controlled when you turn around and deny and reject these
things it certainly is not of God. And now Brother considering exhisting circumstances
with you I cannot forbear unreservedly telling you what I Believe concerning you and your course
when I have behel the light and Glory that the and is presenting to us in these
it has been a source of Great Enjoyment to me in the reflection that the day was near when
I should Join with you in the kingdom of God in partaking of those Celestial Immortal and Eternal
glories But Alas how am I disappointed Brother Azmon unless you repent like and humble
yourself before God I do not ever expect to meet you there. Dear Sir you have but a faint
idea of the immortal Joys & glories that you have in a voluntary manner deprived yourself
the privilege of ever enjoying. I intreat you in Christ stead to stop while to stop is in your
power and consider the awful calamity and destruction you are bringing upon your own soul.
I mean by denying the Lord that bought you, and put him to an open shame. perhaps you may
consider this a light thing But those revelations which you have denyed are the Revelation of Jesus
Christ And you will soon find it a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God. I had not
received your letter when I sent you the and if you have received them
and consider them of No worth unto you, You will do me a favor by giving them to Brother Fisk
or to someone in the church of the Latter Day Saints. But above all things I warn you to beware about
treating those things with disdain or making ridicule of them for of a truth if you do they will
rise in Judgment against you. you now profess to believe those revelations to be of man & not of God
but should they at last prove to be of God it would be better for you that they had not fallen into your hands
inasmuch as you treat lightly the things which they contain. But there is no doubt upon my mind upon
this subject And I again warn you in the name of Jesus Christ that you no more tread lightly those
Revelations and Commandments for in so doing you treat with disdain the council of the Almighty
and set at naught the Revelations of Jesus Christ and if you continue to do those things they will serve
to pearce your soul Yea if you continue such a course and do not repent you will have cause to
drink with carefulness & Eat your bread with trembling for your days of prosperity will be few
Brother Azmon the day is nigh even at your own door when you will know of a truth that these
sayings are not fables but Eternal truths. the time is at hand when the heavens will be rolled together as
a scroll and Jesus Christ will be revealed in the clouds of Heaven with his saints to take vengance on
those who know not God and obey not the Gospel And He will reward evry man according to the deeds
done in the body.
Brother Azmon I have dealt thus plain with you that I may be clear of your
Blood and be found acquitted at the . I think it doubtful whether I meet you short of
the Eternal world. But I commend you into the hands of Almighty God who doeth all things
wright. I leave these remarks in your hands to deal with as you see fit. But remember we are
Accountable to God for all the deeds done in the Body That the Lord will be merciful unto you and deliver
you from Darkness And Error, give you light and truth & so direct your remaining days as to cause you to
repent and humble yourself before God that you may again Embrace the of the & the
that you may escape the Just Judgments of God is the earnest Prayer of your
Absent Brother.
I would say to all my friends that I desire your welfare and your salvation And
I intreat you all not to treat lightly or abuse any sacred things or principles which you have in