shall have powers in the Branch similar to those vested in
the Officers of the , as expressed in article 3 of said ^society^
Res: 3: That we adopt, and apply to this branch,
articles Nos. 2. 4. 6. 7. 8. of the U. S. Society, as they
are printed in the "Deseret News" No. Vol.
Res: 4:
That we also adopt article No. 5 of the U. S. Society
with the following amendment to suit local circumstances
viz: "that the first annual meeting of the branch be
rend="underline">July 1st 1855."
Res: 5:
That the treasurer of the branch be required to give
bonds, with full security, to the amount of fifteen hundred
dollars, payable to said branch. The bonds to be filed in
the office of the Secretary of said branch
Res. 6:
That the rules Nos. 1 & 2 of the U. S. Society
as printed in the Deseret News No. 1 vol. 4 be adopted
by, and applied to, this branch
Res. 7:
That we cordially concur in the sentiments expressed
in the able address of W. Woodruff - President of The
Universal Scientific Society.
Res. 8:
That the Secretary of this committee is hereby authorised, and
required to further a copy of the above minutes to President
W. Woodruff, and request instruction from him as to future
proceedings, also to state our wish to be recognised by
the Universal S. Society, as a branch of the same
shall have powers in the Branch similar to those vested in
the Officers of the , as expressed in article 3 of said society
Res: 3: That we adopt, and apply to this branch,
articles Nos. 2. 4. 6. 7. 8. of the U. S. Society, as they
are printed in the "Deseret News" No. Vol.
Res: 4:
That we also adopt article No. 5 of the U. S. Society
with the following amendment to suit local circumstances
viz: "that the first annual meeting of the branch be
rend="underline">July 1st 1855."
Res. 5:
That the treasurer of the branch be required to give
bonds, with full security, to the amount of fifteen hundred
dollars, payable to said branch. The bonds to be filed in
the office of the Secretary of said branch
Res. 6:
That the rules Nos. 1 & 2 of the U. S. Society
as printed in the Deseret News No. 1 vol. 4 be adopted
by, and applied to, this branch
Res. 7:
That we cordially concur in the Sentiments expressed
in the able address of W. Woodruff -- President of The
Universal Scientific Society.
Res. 8:
That the Secretary of this Committee is hereby authorised, and
required to further a copy of the above minutes to President
W. Woodruff, and request instruction from him as to future
proceedings, also to state our wish to be recognised by
the Universal S. Society, as a branch of the same