(50) April 8, 1881
We met in council at City Hall and spent the day 38 {present}
~ Saturday
9th I spent the day at President Taylorsoffi[ce] President Taylor
requested me to By the segmiller springs of the Man at Paris
and E Snow of the one at St George
~ Sunday
10 Sunday I met in the Assembly room in the Afternoon
Meeting E Snow spoke one H[our] & 20 M[inutes]. we met in the
Prayer room J Taylor Prayed I went home & went to Bed At midnight I was taken vary sick with another
attack of the Billious cholia I was vary sick through the night
~ Monday
11 April I was vary sick this morning I was Administered
to By Brother L John Nuttall & Reynolds I was nursed
thoroughly through the day
~ Tuesday
12 I got some relief to day but was still vary sick
~ Wednesday
13. I was some Better to day
~ Thursday
14 I was Better to day But still have a stationary pain
on my right side which appears like the Pleurisy But I
got some relief in the night
~ Friday
15 I was some improved to day I sat up some my pain
in the right side continued
17. Br Bleak wrote 2 letters for me to J. D. T. McAllister & Sarah
I got up & dressed to day for the first time But my pain in
the right side still continues
~ Monday
18 I dressed today and walked out in the orchard I read a
^^ letter from Sister Dell and a P. O. order for $10 to pay
for her watch
~ Friday
(50) April 8, 1881
We met in council at City Hall and spent the day 38 {present}
~ Saturday
9th I spent the day at President Taylors office President Taylor
requested me to By the segmiller Springs of the Man at Paris
and E Snow of the one at St George
~ Sunday
10 Sunday I met in the Assembly room in the Afternoon
Meeting E Snow spoke One H & 20 Minutes. we met in the
Prayer Room J Taylor Prayed I went home & went to Bed
FIGURES At midnight I was taken vary sick with another
attack of the Billious Cholic I was vary sick through the night
~ Monday
11 April I was vary sick this morning I was Administered
to By Brothers L John Nuttall & Reynolds I was nursed
thoroughly through the day
~ Tuesday
12 I got some Relief to day but was still vary sick
~ Wednesday
13. I was some Better to day
~ Thursday
14 I was Better to day But still have a stationary Pain
on my right side which appears like the Pleurisy But I
got some Relief in the night
~ Friday
15 I was some improved to day I sat up some my Pain
in the right side continued
17. [FIGURE] Br Bleak wrote 2 letters for me to J. D. T. McAllister & Sarah
I got up & dressed to day for the first time But my Pain in
the right side still continues
~ Monday
18 I dressed today and walked out in the orchard I read a
[FIGURE] letter from Sister Dall and a P. O. order for $10 to pay
for her watch
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (February 1880 – December 1885)," April 8, 1881 - April 18, 1881, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 23, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/yw3W