A synopsis of Wilford Woodruff Travels
and Labors taken from his Journals By Himself
from 18834 to 1885 Inclusive Making (51)
yearse of Labor in the Ministry as a Member
of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day
I traveled during this period Through ,
, , Six Islands of the sea, and
23 of the United States, and Five Territories
Including the , ,
, , &
I crossed the four
times I travelled 143,369 Miles
I held 4191 Meetings
I Preached 3250 discourses
I Attended 73 Semiannual Conferences
I Attended 176 Quarterly Conferences
I esstablished 77 preaching places in the vinyard
I Organized 51 Branches of the Church in the
Vineyard. I added to the Church 1800 souls
in 8 month Labor in the South of England
in 1840, Among whom were 200 preachers
of the various sects of the day. 50 of the preachers
Belonged to the United Brethren who broke
off from the Methodist
A synopsis of Wilford Woodruff Travels
and Labors taken from his Journals By Himself
from 1834 to 1885 Inclusive Making (51)
yearse of Labor in the Ministry as a Member
of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day
I traveled during this period Through ,
, , Six Islands of the sea, and
23 of the United States, and Five Territories
Including the , ,
, , &
I crossed the four
times I travelled 143,369 Miles
I held 4191 Meetings
I Preached 3250 discourses
I Attended 73 Semiannual Conferences
I Attended 176 Quarterly Conferences
I esstablished 77 preaching places in the vinyard
I Organized 51 Branches of the Church in the
Vineyard. I added to the Church 1800 souls
in 8 month Labor in the South of England
in 1840, Among whom were 200 preachers
of the various sects of the day. 50 of the preachers
Belonged to the United Brethren who broke
off from the Weslian Methodist