There were 600 of the United Brethren all were
Baptized Except one person. I ordained Elders
and Priests who done a good deal of the Baptizing
I ownly Baptized 10453 persons I confirmed
3343 for the living I assisted in confirming 4499.
I spent 603 days in the Endowment House in Salt Lake City And most of two years in St.
George Temple in giving Endowments I presided
during that time. There were Baptized during
this period for the Living and the dead 85851.
And the same Number confirmed. We gave
Endowments during this time for the living & the
Dead 41398. I sealed at the Alter for the living
and the Dead 11550 couple. Others sealed during
this time 21991 Most of which I witnessed
Total sealed while I was present 33541
couple for the Living and the dead. I was Baptized
for 443 Dead friends. The rest of my family
was Baptized for 2745. Total Baptized for
my Dead friends 3188 For the Woodruff
Hart and Thompson families. I had Endowments
in the St George Temple for 2518 of my Dead
friends This was through the Assistance of my
friends. I have 427 more Endowments to
finish my Record. This is up to Aprail 1883.
I had 336 single dead women sealed to me
There were 600 of the United Brethren all were
Baptized Except one person. I ordained Elders
and Priests who done a good deal of the Baptizing
I ownly Baptized 1043 persons I confirmed
3343 for the living I assisted in confirming 4499.
I spent 603 days in the Endowment House in
Salt Lake City And most of two years in St.
George Temple in giving Endowments I presided
during that time. There were Baptized during
this period for the Living and the dead 85851.
And the same Number confirmed. We gave
Endowments during this time for the living & the
Dead 41398. I sealed at the Alter for the living
and the Dead 11550 couple. Others sealed during
this time 21991 Most of which I witnessed
Total sealed while I was present 33541
couple for the Living and the dead. I was Baptized
for 443 Dead friends. The rest of my family
was Baptized for 2745. Total Baptized for
my Dead friends 3188 For the Woodruff
Hart and Thompson families. I had Endowments
in the St George Temple for 2518 of my Dead
friends This was through the Assistance of my
friends. I have 427 more Endowments to
finish my Record. This is up to Aprail 1883.
I had 336 single dead women sealed to me
"Journal (February 1880 – December 1885)," December 31, 1885, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed December 22, 2024,