and cold. I consider Fish Lake the greatest depository
of Large fine trout of any body of water in the Rocky Mountains
The Lake is fed with half a doz small streams that
flow into it from the west Mountains & hills none from
the East. The Trout in the spring of the year go up these
small streams to spawn and a person the can throw
then [them] out of the water with their hands or knock them
in the head with a stick from 1 to 5 or 6 lb Men have
made a Dam & put in large gates at the out let
to hold the water on a reservoy to water vallies below
by this means have raised the Lake some 4 feet & not
having used the water this season and the water being
stoped at the outlet the large trout trying to com back
to the Lake get into vary shallow water had by
the Son sun many of [them] Died from 1 to 6 & 7 lb and
many others nearly dead the Brethren let the water
down to save those that were not Dead
~ Saturday
18 Our camp is now organized containing 1136 persons, 187 vehicls & 516 Animals the largest
company of saints that Ever met in this vallie
Our Meeting commenced at 10 oclok After Prayer &
singing W Woodruff made a few remarks. The reports
of the young MensMutual Improvment Association
was then made & A program carried out as far as
ready. As one person was Appointed to Represent Zion Camp & not being ready W. Woodruff reppresented it
President Spencer campe onto the stand during the Meeting
quite a Number spoke through the day
and cold. I consider Fish Lake the greatest depository
of Large fine trout of any body of water in the Rocky Mountains
The Lake is fed with half a doz small streams that
flow into it from the west Mountains & hills none from
the East. The Trout in the spring of the year go up these
small streams to spawn and a person can throw
them out of the water with their hands or knock them
in the head with a stick from 1 to 5 or 6 lb Men have
made a Dam & put in large gates at the out let
to hold the water on a reservoy to water vallies below
by this means have raised the Lake some 4 feet & not
having used the water this season and the water being
stoped at the outlet the large trout trying to com back
to the Lake get into vary shallow water had by
the sun many of them Died from 1 to 6 & 7 lb and
many others nearly dead the Brethren let the water
down to save those that were not Dead
~ Saturday
18 Our camp is now organized containing
1136 persons, 187 vehicls & 516 Animals the largest
company of saints that Ever met in this vallie
Our Meeting commenced at 10 oclok After Prayer &
singing W Woodruff made a few remarks. The reports
of the young MensMutual Improvment Association
was then made & A program carried out as far as
ready. As one person was Appointed to Represent
Zion Camp & not being ready W. Woodruff represented it
President Spencer came onto the stand during the Meeting
quite a Number spoke through the day
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (February 1880 – December 1885)," July 17, 1885 - July 18, 1885, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 8, 2025,