Holy Alter, and there let mine Apostles bring all these
testimonies before my face and before the Heavenly
Hosts and before the justified spirits maede perfect. And
thus saith the Lord unto you mine Apostles when you
bring these testimonies before me, let them be pre-
sented by Name as far as the spirit shall present them
unto you. The Presidents of the United States, The Supreme
Court, The Cabinet, The Senate & House of Congress of
the United States The Govornors of the States and Territories
The Judges & officers sent unto you and all men & persons
who have taken any part in persecuting you or Bringing
distress upon you or your families or have sought your
lives or sought to hinder you from keeping my commandments
or from Enjoying the rights which the Constitutional
Laws of the Land guarantee unto you. And what I
the Lord say unto you mine Apostles I say unto my
servants the Seventies, The High Priests The Elders and
the Priests And all my servants who are pure in
hart and who have born testimony unto this Nation
Let them go forth & cleanse their feet in pure water and
bear testimony of it unto your Father who is in heaven
And thus saith the Lord unto mine Apostles and mine
Elders when ye do these things with Purity of heart, I
the Lord will hear your Prayers and am bound by oath
and covenant to defend you and fight your battles as
I have said in a former commandm[en]t it is not
my will that mine Elders should fight the Battles of
Zion for I will fight your Battle [Exodus 14:14] Nevertheless Let no
Holy Alter and there let mine Apostles bring all these
testimonies before my face and before the Heavenly
Hosts and before the justified spirits made perfect. And
thus saith the Lord unto you mine Apostles when you
bring these testimonies before me, let them be presented by Name as far as the spirit shall present them
unto you. The Presidents of the United States, The Supreme
Court, The Cabinet, The Senate & House of Congress of
the United States The Govornors of the States and Territories
The judges & officers sent unto you and all men & persons
who have taken any part in persecuting you or Bringing
distress upon you or your families or have sought your
lives or sought to hinder you from keeping my commandments
or from Enjoying the rights which the Constitutional
Laws of the Land guarantee unto you. And what I
the Lord say unto you mine Apostles I say unto my
servants the seventies, The High Priests The Elders and
the Priests And all my servants who are pure in
hart and who have born testimony unto this Nation
Let them go forth & cleanse their feet in pure water and
bear testimony of it unto your Father who is in heaven
And thus saith the Lord unto mine Apostles and mine
Elders when ye do these things with Purity of heart, I
the Lord will hear your Prayers and am bound by oath
and Covenant to defend you and fight your battles as
I have said in a former Commandment it is not
my will that mine Elders should fight the Battles of
Zion for I will fight your Battle Nevertheless Let no
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (February 1880 – December 1885)," December 31, 1880, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 7, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/lR4r