place in the harts of the rulers of this Nation, and
the Devil stirs them up to defy my Power, and to
make war upon my Saints. Tharefore let mine
Apostles and mine Elders who are faithful obey my
commandments which are already written for
your profit and guideance. Thus saith the Lord
unto my servant John Taylor and my servant
Wilford Woodruff and my servant Orson Pratt and
to all the residue of mine Apostles. Have you not gone
forth in my name without Purse or scrip [Doctrine and Covenants 84:78] and
declared the Gospel of Life and Salvation unto this
Nation and the Nations of the Earth and warned them
of the gjudgments which are to come as you have
been moved upon by the power of the Holy Ghost and
the inspiration of the Lord. You have done this year by year
for a whole Generation as Men count time. Tharefore
your garments are clean of the Blood of this generation
and Esspecially of this Nation. Tharefore as I have
said in a former commandment so I the Lord say again
unto mine Apostles go ye alone by your selves whether in
heat or in cold and clens your feet with water pure
water, it matters not whether it be by the running streams
or in your clossetts but bear their testimonies befor the
Lord and the Heavenly Hosts And when you have all done this
Then gather yourselves together in your Holy places and
cloth yourselves in the robes of the Holy Priesthood and
thare offer up your Prayers according to my Holy Law
Let him who Presides be mouth and kneel upon the
place in the harts of the Rulers of this Nation, and
the Devil stirs them up to defy my Power, and to
make war upon my Saints. Tharefore let mine
Apostles and mine Elders who are faithful obey my
commandments which are already written for
your profit and guideance. Thus saith the Lord
Unto my servant John Taylor and my servant
Wilford Woodruff and my servant Orson Pratt and
to all the residue of mine Apostles. Have you not gone
forth in my name without Purse or scrip and
declared the Gospel of Life and Salvation unto this
Nation and the Nations of the Earth and warned them
of thejudgments which are to come as you have
been moved upon by the power of the Holy Ghost and
the inspiration of the Lord. You have done this year by year
for a whole Generation as Men count time. Tharefore
your garments are clean of the Blood of this generation
and Esspecially of this Nation. Tharefore as I have
said in a former commandment so I the Lord say again
unto mine Apostles go ye alone by your selves whether in
heat or in cold and clens your feet with water pure
water, it matters not whether it be by the running stream
or in your clossetts but bear their testimonies befor the
Lord and the Heavenly Hosts And when you have all done this
Then gather yourselves to gether in your Holy places and
cloth yourselves in the Robes of the Holy Priesthood and
thare offer up your Prayers according to my Holy Law
Let him who Presides be mouth and Kneel upon the
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"Journal (February 1880 – December 1885)," December 31, 1880, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 7, 2025,