Erastus Snow opened By Prayer after singing two hours
W. Woodruff Dismissed. The servises of the Afternoon
continued 2 Hours was then dismissed By President Taylor
there was About 10000 persons present through the day
There was also a Baloon Asscention from the 8 ward
square A Man & woman went up How many more 24 of July I shall live to see time may Determine
~ Wednesday
25 [FIGURES] I received 2 letters to day I wrote one letter to J G Bleak I Attended council in the Afternoon
~ Thursday
26 [FIGURES] I received 1 Letter to day & wrote one to Wm H Dame
one to J. G. Bleak and Telegraphed to John Murdock to help
do the freighting to St George President Jones offers to freight
6 Tons I asked Br Murdock to do the same He answered
He would He would freight six tons
~ Friday
27 I took cars in the Morning to go to South Jordon we
stoped at sandy Met Jeremiah Stockin who took
us in a waggon to South Jordon we had a Meeting
at Ensign Stockings house & agreed to Recommend Henry Arnold & James Crane & Jeremiah Stocking
as Administrators of Ensign I Stockings Estate
But Jeremiah Stockings Declined serving so we let the
other two Brethren stand to recommend to the Probate judge
we returned home in the Evening distance of the day 42 M[iles]
~ Saturday
28. [FIGURES] I received a letter from A Wright I wrote a
Letter to A CT Wright I telegraphed to J G Bleak to send
team to Freight 500 fire Brick weight 3250 lbs{I went to the farm}
~ Sunday
29 Sunday I Attended Meeting in the Tabernacle W Wood-
ruff spoke 54 Minutes Many strangers Govornor of MissouriCrilland & several Judges Present
Erastus Snow opened By Prayer after singing two hours
W. Woodruff Dismissed. The servises of the Afternoon
continued 2 Hours was then dismissed By President Taylor
there was About 10000 persons present through the day
There was also a Baloon Asscention from the 8 ward
square A Man & woman went up How many more
24 of July I shall live to see time may Determine
~ Wednesday
25 FIGURES I received 2 letters to day I wrote one letter to
J G Bleak I Attended council in the Afternoon
~ Thursday
26 FIGURES I received 1 Letter to day & wrote one to Wm H Dame
one to J. G. Bleak and Telegraphed to John Murdock to help
do the freighting to St George President Jones offers to freight
6 Tons I asked Br Murdock to do the same He answered
He would He would freight six tons
~ Friday
27 I took cars in the Morning to go to South Jordon we
stoped at sandy Met Jeremiah Stockin who took
us in a waggon to South Jordon we had a Meeting
at Ensign Stockings house & agreed to Recommend
Henry Arnold & James Crane & Jeremiah Stocking
as Administrators of Ensign I Stockings Estate
But Jeremiah Stockings Declined serving so we let the
other two Brethren stand to recommend to the Probate judge
we returned home in the Evening distance of the day 42 Miles
~ Saturday
28. FIGURES I received a letter from A Wright I wrote a
Letter to AT Wright I telegraphed to J G Bleak to send
team to Freight 500 fire Brick weight 3250 lbs{I went to the farm}
~ Sunday
29 Sunday I Attended Meeting in the Tabernacle W Woodruff spoke 54 Minutes Many strangers Govornor of
MissouriCrilland & several Judges Present
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (February 1880 – December 1885)," July 24, 1883 - July 29, 1883, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 23, 2025,