with Miss Oliver of —
Howard of &
of , & their Clerks reporters and
Sergeants at Armes, who were sent
by Congress to enquire into the legality
of the Elections and other funey matters
now going on in —They told
they had examined four hundred
witnesses taken 2500 pages of Fools cap
closely written with minnets, whmuch
of which will probably never be read
Ms Oliver of
Missouri enquired after Father Rhelly
& was actually very anxious to know if his young
wife actually had three children
at one birth—He seemed disposed
to make the Domestic Institutions of
the "figure head" in fighting for
slavery & all state rights—The passengers
treated us with respect—It is understood
that the "Know nothing party" has split
upon the subject of Slavery—Those under
the name of Republicans will Nom-
inate a candidate for President of
their own— is spoken
of—The Colt nomination
nomination ^it is reported^ is
universally received by all States rights men
Brother Spencer arrivd here today