from the camp of the Saints near
—He tells me that Mothe
is dead.
About 300 Saints left this place
recently for the mountains.
Our emigration as far as
we can learn has all been ex-
tremely healthy. Marshal
health is astonishingly good—and he
insists that one of the best medicins
for a consumptive man is eating
He leaves this evening for
I expect to remain in
until Monday ^Tuesday^ evening — when
& & will probably start East.
Mr Sherman of Ohio read
our Constitution & said it was a good
one; but he thinks our is ^rather^ too
sparcely settled. I got acquainted
with Capt Leonard U. S. Army, who is
in command of liberty arcinal. He
learned I was from Utah—He says I
have read your constitution and it is a
good one. I am in favor of your ad-
mission—499 persons with 100 hand
carts left on the 7th & 9th—Iowa City for
Utah in Charge of
& —another train
of Welsh Brethern will start next tuesday