by the same conveyance
Bro Spencer proposes sending
their names by the first mail
Bro. Spencer describes the depart-
ure of the Hand Cart ^company^ as very
interesting. They serrounded the
camp as they started, with their
flags flying. But the teams
being a little wild three axel-
trees were broken the first
day, but were soon repaird.
The civil war in ren-
ders it dangerous for any
man to pass through the
territory. The Yankees are
learning some of the sweets
of Missouri justice. Murders
are common. Col. Sumner is
doing his best to keep the
parties from killing each
June 17 I Start to W to day sall
Leave tomorw my health is fine
I walk the years in A Lively Step
yMay the Lord Bless you forever Amen