very sorry to not have got to have
seen & Pa. blessed me, sent
her love to you all & wants to
know if you Pa will please send
her a lock of your hair she wants
it particulal. I told her I would
send it to her as soon as I could
get it from you.
Bro says he did not
understand you to say that we
were to have any money from him
but said we could have it this once
we/I have written to 3 times
this week but havent heard from
her. We had a chance to send some
goods to her so Ace got a bill of
Groceries & also dry goods & sent.
I could write all day but I havent
time we all pray for you & long to
see you, how is little ? love from
all write soon. Lovingly
[sideways text]
I have learned
this last week
what it is to
be [an arphom]
sends love
to all.
C. W.
Excuse mistakes
[end of sideways text]
Clara Nov 8th [18]86
To Father & Mother