I cannot help reflecting upon by gone times when I hear of the enemys
surrounding you.
When the enemy was prowling around I was
ever called upon to take the lead in quelling insurrections and when
called upon the strength of the Lords house and 200 men turned out I was ordered
to take the command of the same and done so. And again when the mob
militia infested they sent 35 mile for me in the dead of the night
by this means I was thrown into prison for 6 months which mostly came
through false sw^e^aring by and false letters writiten by the same
after all those insults and slanderous conversation I feel so fired with indignation
at a mob let them be where they may, I feel as I did then as if I wanted
to have a hand in quelling the cursed spirit of mobocracy.
I must now come to a close with a thousand things on my mind
which I would be as glad to communicate as those I have already communicated
we have had two very dry seasons but have a plenty to eat, to drink and
to wear which is all we ask. My family joins with me in sending my
best respects to you and yours. Give my respects to ; ;
and ; and all others who enquire after such a mortal as I am.
Respectfully Yours
I cannot help reflecting upon by gone times when I hear of the enemys
surrounding you.
When the enemy was prowling around I was
ever called upon to take the lead in quelling insurrections and when
called upon the strength of the Lords house and 200 men turned out I was ordered
to take the command of the same and done so. And again when the mob
militia infested they sent 35 mile for me in the dead of the night
by this means I was thrown into prison for 6 months which mostly came
through false swearing by and false letters written by the same
after all those insults and slanderous conversation I feel so fired with indignation
at a mob let them be where they may, I feel as I did then as if I wanted
to have a hand in quelling the cursed spirit of mobocracy.
I must now come to a close with a thousand things on my mind
which I would be as glad to communicate as those I have already communicated
we have had two very dry seasons but have a plenty to eat, to drink and
to wear which is all we ask. My family joins with me in sending my
best respects to you and yours. Give my respects to ; ;
and ; and all others who enquire after such a mortal as I am.
Respectfully Yours