P.S. I like to have forgotten your requst concerning when
the Elders went up to he became convicted under the preaching of and and followed them from one of the middle counties and rarrived in a few days after
they did arrived about the same time he convinced and baptized him on the 27th of Aug
1837 in a small stream about 10 miles west of . One or two qustions more and I am done, was it
necessary that Br should be of the lineage of who was sold into in order to receive
the , and rule over the church? Is it necessary that the same Priest-
hood should be handed by lineage from father to son? Can the priesthood be transfered
to the lineage of ? Is it necessary that the lineage of that priesthood should be
kept up through all ages of the world to carry out the purposes of God? Can you tell
me why I was from the church and such men as ; ; received in, have they ever asked Joseph, Smith; Hyrum, Smith; or myself
to forgive them for writing letters to the and sw^e^aring agains[t] us with a view of swearing
away our lives? W. W. Phelps said under oath that he was baptized to save his property.
One of Joseph's prophesies in was, if he was taken away and
others would cut me off from the church whether they had any accusation against me or not
which I have lived to see fulfilled. I have written you a short sketch of my life consisting
of 12 pages the first 4 p[ages] will be sent in the envelop with this letter the
other 8 p[ages] in an other envelop
P.S. I like to have forgotten your requst concerning when
the Elders went up to he became convicted under the preaching of and and followed them from one of the middle counties and rarrived in a few days after
they did arrived about the same time he convinced and baptized him on the 27th of Aug
1837 in a small stream about 10 miles west of . One or two qustions more and I am done, was it
necessary that Br should be of the lineage of who was sold into in order to receive
the , and rule over the church? Is it necessary that the same Priesthood should be handed by lineage from father to son? Can the priesthood be transfered
to the lineage of ? Is it necessary that the lineage of that priesthood should be
kept up through all ages of the world to carry out the purposes of God? Can you tell
me why I was from the church and such men as ; ; received in, have they ever asked Joseph, Smith; Hyrum, Smith; or myself
to forgive them for writing letters to the and swearing against us with a view of swearing
away our lives? W. W. Phelps said under oath that he was baptized to save his property.
One of Joseph's prophesies in was, if he was taken away and
others would cut me off from the church whether they had any accusation against me or not
which I have lived to see fulfilled. I have written you a short sketch of my life consisting
of 12 pages the first 4 pages will be sent in the envelop with this letter the
other 8 pages in an other envelop