Strength to Submit

by Megan Hutchings

Come, Follow Me

Have you ever found it difficult to align your will with God’s and humbly submit to His plan for you? We can learn how to better submit to the will of our Heavenly Father by looking at the example of Jesus Christ and some of the early Saints.

Bringing History to Life through Art

by Maddie Christensen

Julie Rogers, professional artist and illustrator, has focused on painting pioneers, missionaries, and the early Saints for the last thirty years of her career. She shares that with Wilford Woodruff being one of her all-time favorites, she was thrilled to be commissioned to create two paintings of him for the Wilford Woodruff Papers Foundation Conference, “Building Latter-day Faith.” This conference was held on March 4, 2023, where seekers of the truth were instructed, inspired, and motivated by Wilford Woodruff’s insights through speakers, presentations, musical performances, and art. The two pieces Julie created are titled “The Dawning of a Brighter Day” and “Language of Inspiration.” Her paintings were displayed at the conference and were a part of an art auction fundraiser for the Foundation.

Asking Big Questions: How Can I Find Answers to Gospel Questions on the Internet?

by Maddie Christensen

Big Questions

In today’s digital age, the Internet has become an indispensable tool for accessing information on any topic imaginable. With just a few keystrokes and a click of a button, one can easily find answers to any question that comes to mind. Googling questions has become a ubiquitous activity that many of us engage in on a daily basis.

The Gift of the Holy Ghost

by Krystyna Hales

Come, Follow Me

Who is the Holy Ghost to you?

In John 16:13, Christ said, “Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.”

More Than a Name on a Page

by Maddie Christensen

Volunteer Spotlights

“One of my favorite things about working on the Project is finding my ancestors’ names mentioned,” shares Rose Bowen, a volunteer for the Wilford Woodruff Papers Foundation. “I love to see how they were involved in building up the Church in their own ways. Just as President Woodruff had a calling to fulfill, we each have callings and opportunities to build up the Church and make the world a better place.”

"In Remembrance"

by Jason Godfrey

Come, Follow Me

Serving as an Apostle for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in 1861, Elder Wilford Woodruff began a discourse with the following: “It is truly good to sit and hear the word of the Lord, and it is truly a good thing to believe in it; but it is still better to practice it.” This brief yet powerful message was not only for the Saints living in Great Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, but it was truly a mantra that Wilford Woodruff believed in—beginning with his conversion in 1833 through to his death in 1898.

Asking Big Questions: How Do I Keep My Testimony?

by Kaitlin Palmer

Big Questions

In a world of so many opinions and voices, it can be hard to find the truth and gain a testimony. But what comes next can be just as hard – keeping that testimony. Once a testimony has been gained, how do you keep your testimony?

When the World Is Ending Around You

by Lydia Martin

Come, Follow Me

One of my greatest fears is the end of times. Today, I worry about bringing children into a world where schools are filled with temptation and the world is filled with war and disease. While pondering this I came across a quote in the Wilford Woodruff Papers: “The mob used every exertion to take the life of Joseph and others; but through the mercy of God in whose hands their lives were their enemies did not succeed in this.