Growing Closer to the Spirit through Wilford Woodruff’s Record

by Maddie Christensen

Volunteer Spotlights

Say hello to Bailee Shaw, a new volunteer for the Wilford Woodruff Papers Foundation. Bailee will be joining the Public Relations Team, helping to write children’s short stories about Wilford Woodruff. 

Bridging Generations: Testimonies Strengthened by the Papers

by Carson Andersen


President Russell M. Nelson has said of family history, “Every human being who comes to this earth is the product of generations of parents. We have a natural yearning to connect with our ancestors.”

The writings of Wilford Woodruff give us the opportunity to do just that.

Asking Big Questions: How Can I Exercise Faith in My Everyday Life?

by Kamryn Maughan

Big Questions

As disciples of Christ, we strive to live His gospel and follow Him every day, not just once a week at church. Exercising faith every day is one important way we follow Him...

“The Worth of Souls”

by Cammie Garner

Come, Follow Me

Sometimes I’ve wondered if I’m actually worth very much. I know I’m not alone in feeling that way; many believe that there is a God in heaven but find it harder to believe that He loves them individually...

The Importance of the Book of Mormon

by Michelle Pack

Come, Follow Me

In his journal on November 2, 1845, Wilford Woodruff wrote a heading for the day’s entry: “Book of Mormon o sacred treasure who knoweth the value.” He then bore his testimony of the Book of Mormon...

The Gospel of Jesus Christ: A Miraculous Plan

by Caralyn Bullough


One evident truth within the Wilford Woodruff Papers is that God still works miracles in our lives.

Volunteer Spotlight: Jessica Cleaver Blad

by Maddie Christensen

Volunteer Spotlights

Meet Jessica Cleaver Blad, one of the Wilford Woodruff Papers Foundation’s newest volunteers.

"Learning Personal Revelation"

by Garry Weiss

Come, Follow Me

In missionary work we teach and are taught lessons that benefit us personally for many years.

“Come unto Christ, and Be Perfected in Him”

by Lyndie Jackson

Come, Follow Me

In this mortal life, people often make promises they can’t keep. Such is the nature of humanity with all its imperfections and failings.