Phebe Woodruff and her son Joseph, Dec 27, 1845, London, England
Image of oil on cavas painting of Phebe Carter Woodruff and her son Joseph by Thomas Ward.
Phebe Woodruff, Mar 8, 1849, Boston, Massachusetts
Daguerreotype of Phebe Whittemore Carter Woodruff by Marsena Cannon.
Wilford Woodruff Jr., Mar 1849, Boston, Massachusetts
Daguerreotype of Wilford and Phebe Woodruff's son, Wilford Woodruff Jr.
Wilford, Phebe, Phoebe, and Susan Woodruff with Ezra Carter, May 16, 1849, Boston, Massachusetts
Daguerreotype of Wilford Woodruff, his wife Phebe, their daughters Phoebe and Susan, and Phebe's father Ezra Carter
Phebe Woodruff, 1866, Salt Lake City, Utah
Oil painting of Phebe Whittemore Carter Woodruff
Wilford and Sarah Brown Woodruff with 3 children, 1868, Salt Lake City, Utah
Ambrotype of Wilford Woodruff, his wife Sarah Brown, and three of their children: Brigham, Phebe Arabelle, and David Patten.
David Patten Woodruff and Brigham Young Woodruff, 1870s, Salt Lake City, Utah
Wilford and Sarah Brown Woodruff’s eldest sons: David Patten Woodruff (left) and Brigham Young Woodruff (right)
Emma Minella Woodruff at Woodruff Farmhouse, 1880s, Salt Lake City, Utah
Wilford and Emma Smith Woodruff's daughter Emma Manella Woodruff standing on the porch of the Woodruff farmhouse holding her child.
First Presidency and Their Wives, June 23, 1894, Willard, Utah
Salt Lake Temple workers luncheon in Mantua, Utah; seated at head table are Wilford Woodruff and his wife Emma S. Woodruff; George Q. Cannon; Salt Lake Temple president Lorenzo Snow and his wives Phoebe Woodruff Snow, Minnie Jensen Snow, and Mary Houtz Snow; and Box Elder Stake President Rudger Clawson.
Wilford Woodruff and Companions, Aug 29, 1896, San Diego, California
Standing: Charles H. Wilcken, Angus M. Cannon, Asahel D. Woodruff and others. Seated: Wilford and Emma Woodruff, George Q. and Caroline Cannon on vacation at the Hotel del Coronado in San Diego, California
Wilford and Emma Woodruff, Mar 1, 1898, Salt Lake City, Utah
Wilford Woodruff and his wife Emma Smith Woodruff on the date of his 91st birthday and her 60th birthday
Wilford Woodruff Four Generations, Aug 16, 1897, Salt Lake City, Utah
Four generation of Woodruffs: from left, standing, son Wilford Woodruff, Jr., grandson Wilford S. Woodruff and seated: Wilford Woodruff holding his great-grandson Charles W. Woodruff
Six of Wilford Woodruff's Sons, 1900, Salt Lake City, Utah
Wilford Woodruff’s sons: Standing: Asahel, Abraham Owen, and Newton Woodruff. Seated: Wilford Jr., James Jackson, and David Patten Woodruff
Bulah Thompson Woodruff's Headstone, Farmington, Connecticut
Headstone of Wilford Woodruff's mother Bulah Thompson Woodruff
Woodruff Home, Farmington, Connecticut
The home of Aphek Woodruff in Farmington (Avon), Connecticut where Wilford Woodruff lived as a child
Eldad Woodruff's Headstone, Farmington, Connecticut
Headstone of Eldad Woodruff, Wilford Woodruff's paternal grandfather.
Dinah Woodford Woodruff's Headstone, Farmington, Connecticut
Headstone of Dinah Woodford Woodruff, Wilford Woodruff's paternal grandmother
Ensign, Marion, and John Jay Woodruff, 1880s, Salt Lake City, Utah
Wilford and Sarah Delight Woodruff's sons: Ensign (1865-1954) seated; Marion (1861-1946) standing on the left; John Jay (1873-1964) standing on the right.