18th A short time since Br Daniel Avery and
his son Philander Avery were both kidnaped
by some Missourians & other mob men from Illinois & taken to Missouri and put in prision,
one of the kidnapers a schoolmaster was taken
with a warrent & brought to Nauvoo & had his
trial this day before squair Johnson his name
was Elliot he was bound over to county
court under $3000 dollar bonds. He was
then taken with another warrent for threat-
ning President Smith life which charge was
also proven against him, but President
Smith forgive him, & he was finally dischargd
on that case President Smith made an
eloquent speech upon the subject manifested
mercy towards his enemies when they were in
his power, but he lifted up his hands towards
heaven & declaired that if Missouri came
against us any more he would fight them
& defend his rights
~ Tuesday
19th A warrant was also issued against
Col Williams who was the leader of the
kidnaping scrape but he had gatherd a mob
around him & swore defiance against the
law or comeing to Nauvoo, so the officers
returned to Nauvoo for council assistance &c
22nd I worked exceding hard with the expectation
of finishing the brick work of my house. I had
6 masons 5 tenders & 2 carpenters but we did
not quite finish it I went home & went to bed sick
& I had a dredful sick night
~ Monday
18th A short time since Br Daniel Avery and
his son Philander Avery were both kidnaped
by some Missourians & other mob men from
Illinois & taken to Missouri and put in prision,
one of the kidnapers a schoolmaster was taken
with a warrent & brought to Nauvoo & had his
trial this day before squair Johnson his name
was Elliot he was bound over to county
court under $3000 dollar bonds. He was
then taken with another warrent for threatning President Smith life which charge was
also proven against him, but President
Smith forgive him, & he was finally discharged
on that case. President Smith made an
eloquent speech upon the subject manifested
mercy towards his enemies when they were in
his power, but he lifted up his hands towards
heaven & declaired that if Missouri came
against us any more he would fight them
& defend his rights
~ Tuesday
19th A warrant was also issued against
Col Williams who was the leader of the
kidnaping scrape but he had gathered a mob
around him & swore defiance against the
law or comeing to Nauvoo, so the officers
returned to Nauvoo for council assistance &c
~ Wednesday to ~ Thursday
20th. 21 I spent the time to work on my house
~ Friday
22d I worked exeeding hard with the expectation
of finishing the brick work of my house. I had
6 masons 5 tenders & 2 carpenters but we did
not quite finish it I went home & went to bed sick
& I had a dredful sick night
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1843 – December 31, 1844)," December 18, 1843 - December 22, 1843, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 5, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/Gk7