^The following Page is for your Private perusal^
I know you have made , & great ones to, you have made
them for Jesus Christ & his cause, & you have made them for me: some of
them have been of such a nature that it hath required all the powers of the
soul to pass through them, & those sacrifces still continue, even our seperation
is required for a season in order to do the will of God, but I think you are
sensible that no worldly honour or Earthly gain would cause this our seperation
No nothing but the commandment of God. Notwithstanding the gate is strait
& the way is narrow O! do not shun it, walk in it, yes walk in it for my sake, & seek
not death, but livie, yes live for me. Our sorrows, our trials, our sacrafices soon
will end, & in that rest that remains for the people of God thou shalt be comforted.
Stand by me & maintain thine integrity untill we enter those glories that are
to be revealed at the comeing of Christ & thy joy shall be full. O! the glories of
a celestial Kingdom I long for thee, for thee I pay my sacrafice. O! kind hearer
seal my prayer, grant my request, give me an enterence with my rib my child
within thy gates, & glorify our souls with Eternal light & truth & united pow-
ers inseperable. Ah Phebe I have had to much of a taste of those Eternal &
Almighty truths appertaining to the Celestial Kingdom of God, to let go my grasp
I have put my hand to the plough I cannot look back, I must
finish my work that My father hath given me to do, & I have confidence
to believe that I shall have your assistance unto the End. I know I have
my imperfections, & it is with a degree of sorrow that I reflect upon some
past hours of my life that I might have spent to better advantage & more to
the happiness of myself & others, but my determination is to spend the future
according to the best light the Lord giveth me, [loft] me up by your prayers and
confidence you have mine. I will try to prevail with the hear [page damaged]
your behalf that the Lord may comfort & heal you & support yo[u] [page damaged] On
the deepest wounds of affliction & sorrow & enable you to be res [page damaged]
to the will of God in all things, & wait patiently for my return. Should it
be our lot to enjoy a long Eternity together in that society whare tears are
wiped from all faces & sorrow & sighing are known no more, we should
not regret having passed through trials here in the flesh. All the ancient
Saints & Jesus Christ not excepted had their trials to pass through but they
are now glorified, & as it is now our turn & we are living in this & have a great work to do, then should we not act nobly, walk by faith &
do our work in patience untill we can say it is finished. We are not alone
in this great cause, the Heavens are deeply interested in our welfare, our
cause, & our work. It is true we have a great warfare to accomplish in order to over-
come, the power of the enemy is greater than some suppose. It has already required
God with the armies of heaven to wage war with him that Satan might be cast
down with his influence. If so then we have strong powers [to] contend with
but with the assistance of God we likewise will overcome. I feel not at
all discouraged my way is onward. I am detemined to run the race (by the help of God)
that I may win the prize for myself & family. When I meditate upon the dealings
of providence with us both since our connexion, the manner in which
he has delivered us from the power of the Enemy, & saved us from the jaws of
Death, & supported us in the midst of trials of the keenest nature, I still feel
disposed to trust in his name, rely upon his word & [seorve] serve him unto
the end. O! may the Lord bless thee, comfort & support thy soul untill thou art
perfected in Christ Jesus; (do not fail to write me as soon as you get this, tell me all the news. are
you in your new house & comfortable. has Sister herd from Brother if so whare is he, give my respets to her
But while all nature is wraped in midnight darkness I lay down my pen & retire to rest & think of thee. Good night Phebe
I enclose $1 dollar in this sheet will send more next time
The following Page is for your Private perusal
I know you have made sacrafices, & great ones to, you have made
them for Jesus Christ & his cause, & you have made them for me: some of
them have been of such a nature that it hath required all the powers of the
soul to pass through them, & those sacrifces still continue, even our seperation
is required for a season in order to do the will of God, but I think you are
sensible that no worldly honour or Earthly gain would cause this our seperation
No nothing but the commandment of God. Notwithstanding the gate is strait
& the way is narrow O! do not shun it, walk in it, yes walk in it for my sake, & seek
not death, but livie, yes live for me. Our sorrows, our trials, our sacrafices soon
will end, & in that rest that remains for the people of God thou shalt be comforted.
Stand by me & maintain thine integrity untill we enter those glories that are
to be revealed at the comeing of Christ & thy joy shall be full. O! the glories of
a celestial Kingdom I long for thee, for thee I pay my sacrafice. O! kind hearer
seal my prayer, grant my request, give me an enterence with my rib my child
within thy gates, & glorify our souls with Eternal light & truth & united powers inseperable. Ah Phebe I have had to much of a taste of those Eternal &
Almighty truths appertaining to the Celestial Kingdom of God, to let go my grasp
I have put my hand to the plough I cannot look back, I must
finish my work that My father hath given me to do, & I have confidence
to believe that I shall have your assistance unto the End. I know I have
my imperfections, & it is with a degree of sorrow that I reflect upon some
past hours of my life that I might have spent to better advantage & more to
the happiness of myself & others, but my determination is to spend the future
according to the best light the Lord giveth me, loft me up by your prayers and
confidence you have mine. I will try to prevail with the hear page damaged
your behalf that the Lord may comfort & heal you & support you page damaged On
the deepest wounds of affliction & sorrow & enable you to be res page damaged
to the will of God in all things, & wait patiently for my return. Should it
be our lot to enjoy a long Eternity together in that society whare tears are
wiped from all faces & sorrow & sighing are known no more, we should
not regret having passed through trials here in the flesh. All the ancient
Saints & Jesus Christ not excepted had their trials to pass through but they
are now glorified, & as it is now our turn & we are living in this last dispensat
ion & have a great work to do, then should we not act nobly, walk by faith &
do our work in patience untill we can say it is finished. We are not alone
in this great cause, the Heavens are deeply interested in our welfare, our
cause, & our work. It is true we have a great warfare to accomplish in order to overcome, the power of the enemy is greater than some suppose. It has already required
God with the armies of heaven to wage war with him that Satan might be cast
down with his influence. If so then we have strong powers to contend with
but with the assistance of God we likewise will overcome. I feel not at
all discouraged my way is onward. I am detemined to run the race (by the help of God)
that I may win the prize for myself & family. When I meditate upon the dealings
of providence with us both since our connexion, the manner in which
he has delivered us from the power of the Enemy, & saved us from the jaws of
Death, & supported us in the midst of trials of the keenest nature, I still feel
disposed to trust in his name, rely upon his word & serve him unto
the end. O! may the Lord bless thee, comfort & support thy soul untill thou art
perfected in Christ Jesus; (do not fail to write me as soon as you get this, tell me all the news. are
you in your new house & comfortable. has Sister herd from Brother if so whare is he, give my respets to her
But while all nature is wraped in midnight darkness I lay down my pen & retire to rest & think of thee. Good night Phebe
I enclose $1 dollar in this sheet will send more next time