David Cluff Jr.

David Cluff Jr. (1826-1883) was born 30 Jul. 1826 in Rockingham Co., New Hampshire. He was the son of David Cluff and Elizabeth Hall. He married Sarah Ann Fleming about 1852; participated in plural marriage. He was baptized in 1836. He was an officer of the Provo City Council, as mentioned by Wilford Woodruff. He died 1 Oct. 1883 in Guaymas, Sonora, Mexico.

David Cluff Jr. (KWJ8-8DT), “Family Tree,” database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org, accessed 17 Feb. 2023). David Cluff Jr., Wilford Woodruff Papers (https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/subjects/david-cluff-jr, accessed 17 Feb. 2023). "Missionary Department missionary registers, 1860-1959 / Book A, 1860 April 25-1894 April 27,” entry for David Cluff Jr., p. 31, image 40/160, CR 301 22; Church History Library (https://catalog.churchofjesuschrist.org/, accessed 17 Feb. 2023). "Missionary Department missionary registers, 1860-1959 / Book A, 1860 April 25-1894 April 27,” entry for Harvey H. Cluff, p. 14, no. 1302, image 20/160, CR 301 22; Church History Library (https://catalog.churchofjesuschrist.org/, accessed 28 Feb. 2023). Deseret Evening News, “Floating Fragments” (Salt Lake City, Utah Territory), 10 Nov. 1883, vol. XVI, p. 5; database with images, Utah Digital Newspapers (https://digitalnewspapers.org/, accessed 22 Feb. 2023). 1860 U.S. Census, Provo, Utah Co., Utah Territory, p. 902, David Cluff; FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org, accessed 22 Feb. 2023). “Utah Death Certificates, 1904-1965,” database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org, accessed 23 Feb. 2023); Mary Ann Cluff Boshard, 21 Dec. 1940, Provo, Utah Co., Utah, certificate 573, series 81448; Utah State Archives Research Center, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., Utah; DGS 2260355. Salt Lake Daily Herald, “Chips” (Salt Lake City, Utah Territory), 11 Nov. 1883, vol. XIV, p. 12; database with images, Utah Digital Newspapers (https://digitalnewspapers.org/, accessed 22 Feb. 2023).