Edward Coxe
Edward Coxe edited a book entitled Dr. Goldsmith's History of England, Abridged by Himself; to Which is Added a Continuation to the Death of the Duke of York, which Wilford Woodruff read on 6 Mar. 1841. If you have any information that will help us positively identify Edward Coxe, such as his birth date, death date, or FamilySearch PID, please send a message to contact@wilfordwoodruffpapers.org.
Edward Coxe, Wilford Woodruff Papers (https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/subjects/edward-coxe, accessed 16 Aug. 2024). Edward Coxe, Dr. Goldsmith's History of England, Abridged by Himself; to Which is Added a Continuation to the Death of the Duke of York (Derby, Derbyshire, England: Henry Mozley, 1827); digital images, GoogleBooks (https://books.google.com, accessed 16 Aug. 2024).