Jane Jeffery Green
Jane Jeffery Green (1836-1875) was born 7 Apr. 1836 in Watford, Northamptonshire, England. She was the daughter of William Jeffery and Mary Crock. She married William Green on 18 Nov. 1861 in Great Salt Lake Co., Utah Territory, and they had seven children. She was baptized 25 May 1848 in Watford. She died 10 Aug. 1875 in Draper, Salt Lake Co., Utah Territory. She was sealed to Wilford Woodruff through an adoption sealing ordinance on 1 Mar. 1878.
Jane Jeffery (KWJ6-QZR), “Family Tree,” database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org, accessed 20 Nov. 2023). Jane Jeffery Green, Wilford Woodruff Papers (https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/subjects/jane-jeffery-green, accessed 20 Nov. 2023). "Record of members; annual genealogical report, Form E, 1856-1935," FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org, accessed 20 Nov. 2023); Jane Jeffery Green, membership, Draper, Salt Lake Co., Utah Territory, item 4, no. 10; citing Draper, Salt Lake Co., Utah, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Draper Ward, "Record of members, 1856-1927 (Includes minutes of meetings, including a Bishop's Court.);" microfilm 25905. "Bishop's transcripts for Watford, 1706-1881," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org, accessed 20 Nov. 2023); Jane Jeffery, christening, 8 May 1836, Watford, Northamptonshire, England, p. 26; no. 212; citing Watford, Northamptonshire, England, Church of England, Parish Church of Watford, image 742/1268; DGS 4011470. "England Marriages, 1538-1973," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org, accessed 20 Nov. 2023); William Jeffery and Mary Crock, 17 Oct. 1824, Kilsby, Northamptonshire, England, p. 17; citing Kilsby, Northamptonshire, England, Church of England, Parish Church of Kilsby, "Bishop's transcripts for Kilsby, 1706-1878," image 1390/1541; DGS 4021556. Salt Lake Telegram, “William Green Funeral” (Salt Lake City, Utah), 16 Jul. 1915, vol. 14, no. 163, p. 15; database with images, Utah Digital Newspapers (https://digitalnewspapers.org, accessed 20 Nov. 2023). The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, “Record of members collection, 1836-1970 / E / ENGLAND (Country)-ENGLAND (Country) / ENGLAND (Country), Part 44,” entry for Jane Jeffery, p. 1, image 451/509, CR 375 8; Church History Library (https://catalog.churchofjesuschrist.org, accessed 11 Mar. 2024). The Latter-day Saints' Millennial Star vol. 37, "Died," 13 Sep. 1875, no. 37, p. 592; database with images, BYU Library Digital Collections (https://lib.byu.edu/collections/digital, accessed 20 Nov. 2023). Note: See Adoption Sealings (https://site.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/history/topics/sealing?lang=eng#title4).