We had purchased a farm together
and been living on it nearly
two years. We both were anxious
to attend the meeting. Accordingly we
we went and found a full cong
regation of people. The person that
was to preach was Zerah Pulsipher
an elder in the Church of Christ or
of the latter day saints. He commence[d]
the meeting with some introductory rem
arks and then prayed I felt the spirit of
God to bear witness that he was the servant
of God. He then commenced preaching
and that to us with authority, and when
he had finished his discourse I truly felt
that it was the first gospel sermon
that I had ever herd I thought it was
what I had long been looking for I
could not feel it my duty to leave the
house without bearing witness to the truth
before the people. I opened my eyes to see
my ears to hear my heart to understand [Matthew 13:15]
& my doors to entertain him who had
administered unto us Brother Pulsipher
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We both were anxious to attend the meeting. Accordingly we we went and found a full cong regation of people. The person that was to preach was Zerah Pulsipher an elder in the Church of Christ or of the latter day saints. He commence[d] the meeting with some introductory rem arks and then prayed I felt the spirit of God to bear witness that he was the servant of God. He then commenced preaching and that to us with authority, and when he had finished his discourse I truly felt that it was the first gospel sermon that I had ever herd I thought it was what I had long been looking for I could not feel it my duty to leave the house without bearing witness to the truth before the people. I opened my eyes to see my ears to hear my heart to understand & my doors to entertain him who had administered unto us
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