A power and authority
given to Willford Woodruff provi
ng that he is a Teacher in the Church
of Christ by the will of God the Father
accordind to his holy calling and
the gift ^& power^ of the Holy ghost agreeable
to the Revelations of Jesus Christ
signifying that he has been baptized
and receieved into the Church according
to the articles and covenants of the
same and ordained under the hand
of Zerah Pulsipher
Given at Richland Janry 2nd AD 183[4]
Zerah Pulsipher
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I truly felt that I could exclaim with the servant of God that it was better to be a door keeper in the house of God than to dwell in the tents of wickedness
I truly felt that I could exclaim with the servant of God that it was better to be a door keeper in the house of God than to dwell in the tents of wickedness
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