Day in the Life

Nov 5, 1834

Journal Entry

November 05, 1834 ~ Wednesday

Brother Lyman Wight called a vote
to recommend Brother Stephen Winch
, Heman T Hide and myself to the
high council for ordination it was a
full vote and at the next meeting of the
high council we were recommended
by Lyman Wight, Amasa Lyman
Elias Higby, and Zebedee Colton all
high priests to the council and there was
a vote taken and carried by the high
council to ordain us priest's. And
Brother Simeon Carter was appointed
to ordain us and we were ordained on
the 5th day of November 1834.

[upside-down text]

John Whitmer


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Lyman, Amasa Mason
30 Mar 1813 - 4 Feb 1877
299 mentions
Higbee, Elias
23 Oct 1795 - 8 Jun 1843
Hyde, Heman Tilton
18 Jun 1812 - 26 May 1842
Whitmer, John
27 Aug 1802 - 11 Jul 1878
Wight, Lyman
9 May 1796 - 31 Mar 1858
198 mentions
Carter, Simeon D.
7 Jun 1794 - 3 Feb 1869
22 mentions
Winchester, Stephen, b. 1795
8 May 1795 - 1 Jan 1873
9 mentions
Coltrin, Zebedee
7 Sep 1804 - 21 Jul 1887
46 mentions

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Autobiography 1892 Deseret News Notes

I was ordained a Priest

Religious - Ordination to Priest, 5 November 1834

in Clay County Missouri . John Whitmer.

Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865

Lyman Wights, Clay County, Missouri, On the Brother Lyman Wight called a vote of the Branch of the Church to recommend Stephen Winchester, Heman T Hyde & Wilford Woodruff to the High Council for ordination the vote was unanimous Then the High Council voted to ordain us the office of Priest. Brother Simeon Carter was appointed to to ordain us we were Accordingly ordained under his his hand to the office of a Priest on this 5 day of Nov 1834. I Received the following license. To whom these presents may come This certifies that Wilford Woodruff has been received into this Church of Latter Day Saints organized on the 6th day of April AD 1830 and has been ordained a Priest according to the rules & regulations

Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865

Clay County Missouri John Whitmer I called upon Bishop Edward Partridge and asked him whare my mission should be in what part of the country I should go to preach the gospel. He replyed that He would like to have some of the Brethren go into the Southern States through Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky, &c if he could find any body who had faith Enough to go for it would be a hard mission & a hard mission country to travel in at present in consequence of the Missouri persecution I told him I was as ready to go South as any whare Els if he wished it. As Arkansas lay south of Mo I asked him if I should go through Jackson County as that county lay direct in our path. He said it would be a risk of ones life but if I had faith to undertake it I might do it He had not. I asked him if I went through Jackson County should I start without "Purs or scrip" He said he had not faith enough to attempt it through Jackson County if I had I might try it. As the commandments required the Elders to travel without purse or scrip I felt strenuous to keep the commandments so I resolved to go without purse or scrip I wished to have some companion to go with me upon my mission as I did not wish to launch forth into the open world alone I called upon Brother Henry Brown (who had gone accompanied me from Richland N. Y. to M.o.) I laid before him my intended mission and requested him to acompany me, it met his wishes and he agreed to go with me and we immediately commenced preparing for our Journey which we were soon prepared and

Autobiography 1857 Draft 1

I was ordained to the office of a Priest * ^* By the direction of the High Council under the hands of Brother Simeon Carter on the ^ in I had a great desire in my heart to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to my fellow men for I saw such blessings, beauty & glory in it that I had a great desire to assist my brethren in proclaiming it to the inhabitants of the Earth t and this desire continued to increase upon me, but I did not reveal my feelings to any man, but soon ^(the above lines are in paper apart {would not it be good to copy some your autobiography beginning [back]} 32^ after I was ordained to the office of a priest I received an ^appointment^ mission by Bishop Edward Partridge to go in connexion with Elder Harry Brown on a mission through the Southern part of Missouri & through the Arkansas, into the Southern States Agreeable to ^my^ this appointment I bid my brethren farewell in Clay

Autobiography 1857 Draft 1

on the I was ordained to the office of a priest by the directions of the High Council under the hands of Brother Simeon Carter Stephen Winchester & Heman Hyde were ordained priests at the same time. I called upon Bishop Edward Partridge and asked him what my mission should be in what part of the country I should go to preach the gospel. He replyed that I should ^Bishop Partridge said he would^ like to have some of the Brethren ^me^ go into the Southern States through Arkansas Tennesee Kentucky &c if I could find any body who had faith enough to go ^with me^ for it would be a hard mission and a hard ^dangerous^ county to travel in at present in consequence of the Missouri persecutions. I told him I was as ready to go South as any where else if he wished it. As Arkansas lay South of Missouri I asked him if I should go through Jackson County as it lay direct in our path ^route^ he said it would be at the risk of ones life & I have not got faith enough to undertake it if you have you can try it, I asked him if I went through Jackson County if I should start without purse or scrip as in general terms that seemed ^according^ to be the law ^of God^. He said that he had not got faith enough to start on a mission through Jackson County without money and if I dare it I must do it on my own faith. As the commandments required the Elders to go out without purs or scrip I felt strenous to keep the commandments so I ^started without money^ resolved that to go without purse or scrip I wished to have some companion go with my ^up^ on my mission I did not wish to launch forth into the open world alone. I called upon Elder Harry Brown (who had accompanied me from Richland New York to Clay Co Missouri) and asked him if he would not accompany me it met his wishes and Bishop Partridge gave him his mission with me. And we immediately ^prepared^ ourselves to start upon our journey And on the 13th day of Jan 1835 I recieved the following recommend in connexion with my priests license

Autobiography 1857 Draft 2

Clay Co., Mo. on , I was ordained a priest ^by Elder^ under the hands of bros. Samuel^imeon^ Carter; Stephen Winchester and Heman T. Hyde, were ^also^ ordained Priests at the same time. Bishop Partridge said he would like to have me go into the Southern States, through Arkansas, Tennessee & Kentucky, &c. ^&^ if I could find any body who had faith enough to go with me ^to take^ for it would be a dangerous count^r^y to travel in at present, in consequence of the Missouri persecution, ^to take him.^ I told him I was as ready to go South as any where, and asked if I should go through Jackson County, as it lay direct on our route, he said ^replied^, it would be at the risk of life, and he had not got faith enough to undertake it; if I had, I might try it. I also asked him, if I went through Jackson Co., if I should start without purse or scrip according to the law of God, Hee he replied answered, that he had not got faith enough to start on a mission through Jackson Co., without money, and if I did it I must do it on my own faith, I felt strenuous to keep the commandments, so I started without money; I called upon Elder Harry Brown, and asked him if he would not ^to^ accompany me; it met ^he consented,^ his wishes, and Bishop Partridge gave appointed him to go with me

Autobiography 1865 Millennial Star

souri, , I was ordained a Priest by Elder Simeon Carter; Ste- phen Winchester and Heman T. Hyde were also ordained Priests. Bishop Partridge said he would like to have me go into the Southern States, through Arkansas, Tennessee and Ken- tucky; and if I could find any body who had faith enough to go with me— for it would be a dangerous country to travel in, in consequence of the Missouri persecutions—to take him. I told him I was as ready to go south as anywhere, and asked if I should go through Jackson county, as it lay in our route. He replied, it would be at the risk of life, and he had not faith enough to undertake it; if I had, I might try it. I also asked him, if I went through Jackson county, if I should start without purse or scrip,

Autobiography 1858 Deseret News

Wight's, Clay county, Missouri, , I was ordained a Priest by Elder Simeon Carter; Stephen Winchester and Heman T. Hyde were also ordained Priests. Bishop Partridge said he would like to have me go into the Southern States, through Ar- kansas, Tennessee and Kentucky, and if I could find any body who had faith enough to go with me, for it would be a dangerous coun- try to travel in, in consequence of the Missou- ri persecution, to take him. I told him I was as ready to go South as any where; and asked if I should go through Jackson county, as it lay in our route. He replied, it would be at the risk of life, and he had not faith enough to undertake it; if I had, I might try it. I also asked him, if I went through Jackson county, if I should start without purse or scrip accord- ing to the law of God. He answered, that he had not got faith enough to start on a mission through Jackson county without money, and if I did it, I must do it on my own faith. I felt strenuous to keep the commandments, so I started without money. I called upon Elder Harry Brown, and asked him to accompany me; he consented, and Bishop Partridge ap- pointed him to go with me.


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Nov 5, 1834