Day in the Life

Mar 12, 1835

Journal Entry

March 12, 1835 ~ Thursday

Left Mr Barnet proceded
Down the River to the Cadron Spent
the night in an old deserted tradeing
house Distance 50 miles ^1 signed petition^ Conway Co.


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Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865
On the , we rowed our canoe 50 miles and spent the night at a place called Caldron. There were a number of good houses built; but all were deserted, the place, it was said being haunted. There was not a human being but ourselves within miles of the place. Entering a house that must have cost from three to four thousand dollars supposed to be the worst haunted of the lot we built a good fire, & rosted a piece of pork to eat with some corn doger given us by a poor woman in the moring. We asked a blessing eat our supper and then climbed into one of the chambers as the stairs were broken down. It was a cold night but we laid upon the floor with nothing to cover us. I soon fell asleep without any regard to the ghosts and dreamt that I called at my father's house and that my stepmother made me up a good feather bed at my father's house in Farmington. I thought that I laid down upon it, had a good sleep and rested well. I did not awake until sunrise when instead of finding myself upon a feather bed in my parent home I was quite cold and chilly lying on my back against a bare desolate haunted chamber wall on the bank of the Arkansas River. Awaking brother Brown we arose not having been disturbed either by ghosts or evil spirits. We then prayed built a fire warmed ourselves, eat what little we had left and then started down the river after first going to the top of the high bluff and taking a survay. We travelled 40 miles this day and spent the night with Mr Samuel Blackburn Palaski County.
Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865
We rowed our canoe to day 50 miles & spent the night in a place called the Cadron there were a number of good Houses built & all was deserted it was said the place was haunted we went into a house that must have cost $3 or $4000, that was called the worst Haunted house there was not a human being in many miles of the place but ourselves we built up a good fire rosted a peace of pig & ate it with some corn dugar [sugar] givien us in the morning by a poor woman we asked a blessing & prayed then climbed into one of the chambers on the starirs were broaken down we lay down upon the floor it was a cold night we had nothing to cover us I soon fell asleep without any regard to the gosts that haunted the place I dreamed that I called at My Fathers House & my step Mother made me up a good Feather bed I lay down upon it & had a good nap & rested me well. I did not awake untill near sun- rise when instead of Finding myself upon a Feather bed at My Fathers House in Farmington Ct I was lying my back against a bare deserted, Haunted, chamber wall on the Bank of the Arkansas River quite cold & chilly I awoke Brother Brown we arose not having been disturbed by Ghosts
Daybook (13 January 1835 - 26 November 1836)
Left Mr Barnet proceded down the River through the day and travled to the Cadron and spent the night in an old deserted trading house distance 50 miles Conway County got one signer to the petition


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Mar 12, 1835