Day in the Life

Mar 13, 1835

Journal Entry

March 13, 1835 ~ Friday

Left the Cadron after visiting the black
Bluffs travel'd 40 miles spent the night
with Samuel Blackburn Palaski Co.


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Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865
The we travelled to Little Rock, spent three quarters of an hour in visiting the city then continued down the river ten miles and was kindly received by a Mr Isaac Jones at whose house we spent the night. We had travelled this day fifty-three miles.
Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865
or evil spirits we prayed built a fire warmed ourselves eat what little we had left & started in our canoe down the river after walking onto the top of the black bluffs & taking a survey of the country 13 We travelled 40 miles and spent the night with Samuel Blackburn Pulaski County
Daybook (13 January 1835 - 26 November 1836)
Left the Cadron after visiting the black Bluff's travled 40 miles and put up for the night with Mr Samuel Blackburn in Pulaski County


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Mar 13, 1835