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Day in the Life

May 14, 1836

Journal Entry

May 14, 1836 ~ Saturday

14 Rode to Col Rutherfords Preached at his house 10 m[iles]


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11 mentions
1835 Southern Convert

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Letter to Aphek Woodruff and Azubah Hart Woodruff, 7 May 1836
[page torn] 25 Mr Aphek Woodruff Colebrook Litchfield County Connecticut [end of sideways text] [upside-down text] I do not know what length of time I shall spend in this country we have a conference to attend to the last of this month when I shall decide where I shall spend the summer if you write to me Please direct your Letter to Chalk Level Post office Benton County Tennessee I much desire to hear from you. Willford Woodruff When you write to me give me the news of the day with you the death of any of my friends if any there should be I would like to hear from Brother Azmons family their circumstances &c. if you should know about them Uncle Ozem Woodruff's family Also Aunt Cossetts family & all the friends By so doing you will bestow a great favor upon me as I feel anxious to hear from you all I have written a number of Letters to you & to other friends in the East I cant say they have been receieved [end of upside-down text] [sideways text] Aphek & Azubah Woodruff Willford Woodruff Sister Eunice write some do me if you ple ase. [end of sideways text]
Daybook (31 December 1835 - 3 January 1837)
14 Rode to Col Rutherford's Preached at his house distance of the day 10 miles


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life.

Wilford called to be a member of the Second Quorum of the Seventy at age 29.

May 14, 1836