Day in the Life

Dec 20, 1836

Journal Entry

December 20, 1836 ~ Tuesday

19, 20 was spent in school I commenced studying the GREEK
GRAMMER on Monday the 19th Dec 1836

20 At candle light I repaired to the house of the Lord
for a meeting with the quorum of the Seventies
the third Seventyies had been chosen & the business
of this meeting was to organize them & ordain them
but as they were not all present they were not all
ordained or organized their was 27 twenty seven
of the third Seventy ordained to the High Priesthood
& as members of the third Seventy Elder Abram
O. Smoot
, was among the number ordained to the
third Seventy which fulfilled what I Pronounced
upon his head by the testimony of JESUS on the
30th of June while in Tenn[essee] See June 30th 1836
The above mentioned were ordained under the hands of
Presidents Aldrich, Young, ^&^ Coltrin. We had an inter-
esting meeting much of the spirit of Prophecy was poured
out upon those Presidents while ordaining the third Seventy
they Proclaimed great & marvelous things upon
their heads President Young had visions while
performing this ordinance


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Smoot, Abraham Owen
17 Feb 1815 - 6 Mar 1895
583 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
Young, Joseph
7 Apr 1797 - 16 Jul 1881
Coltrin, Zebedee
7 Sep 1804 - 21 Jul 1887
43 mentions


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We had an inter esting meeting much of the spirit of Prophecy was poured out upon those Presidents while ordaining the third Seventy they Proclaimed great & marvelous things upon their heads President Young had visions while Performing this ordinance
~ Wilford Woodruff

Related Documents

Browse other documents with this same date. These could include pages from Wilford Woodruff's autobiographies, daybooks, letters, histories, and personal papers. Click on the document titles to view the full document.

Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865

A meeting was held on the at the House of the Lord for the purpose of organizing the Third Quoerum of the Senventies which had been chosen. I met with them but as they were not all present the quorum was not fully organized but twenty seven were ordained as members of the Third Quorum among whom was Abraham O. Smoot. This fulfiled what I pronounced upon his head by the Spirit of Prophesy on the 30th of June previous while in Tennessee. On the last day of the year I arranged a summary of my Journal as usual for the year which I will give as before with my closing reflections for 1836. Synopsis of the Year. Travels and Meetings held: I traveled six thousand five hundred and fifty seven miles and held one hundred and fifty three meetings Conferences and Debates: I attended four Conferences among the Southern Churches and held four debates. Baptisms Etc. I baptised and confirmed twenty seven souls and ordained two Elders three Priests on^e^ Teacher and two Deacons. I also attended to the ordinance of blessing nineteen children and four persons were healed of disease under my hands by the power of God.

Autobiography 1857 Draft 1

of the I was present at the organization of the third Quorum ^of seventies^ & their was 27 ordained ^among them A. O. Smoot^ into that Quorum during this meeting among the number ^of seventies^ was A. O. Smoot who had accompanied me to Kirtland

Autobiography 1857 Draft 2

I was present at the organization of the third Quorum of seventies; there was^ere^ 27 ordained.

Daybook (31 December 1835 - 3 January 1837)

19, 20 Was spent in School I commenced Studying the GREEK GRAMMER on Monda[y] the 19th Dec 1836 20 At candlelight I repaired to the house of the Lord for a meeting with the quorum of the Seventies The third Seventy had been chosen & the business of this meeting was to organize them & ordain them, but as they were not all Present they ware not organized

Daybook (31 December 1835 - 3 January 1837)

their was ^27^ twenty seven of the third seventy ordained to the High Priesthood & as me- mbers of the third Seventy. Elder Abram O Smoot was among the number which fulfills what I pronounced upon his head by the Spirit of Prophecy. on the 30th of June while in Tennn See June 30th 1836. Those were ordained under the hands of Presidents Aldrich, Young, & Coltrin. We had an interesting meeting Much of the spirit of Prophecy was Poured out upon those Presidents while ordaining the third Seventy they Proclained great & marvelous things upon their heads President Young had visions while Performing theis ordinance

Autobiography 1865 Millennial Star

—I was present at the organization of the Third Quorum of the Seventies; there were twenty- seven ordained.

Autobiography 1858 Deseret News

—I was present at the organ- ization of the third quorum of Seventies; there were twenty-seven ordained.


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Dec 20, 1836