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Day in the Life

Jan 17, 1837

Journal Entry

January 17, 1837 ~ Tuesday

17th Met at candle light with the quorums of the Seventies
& was favored with a lecture from President
David Whitmer he warned us to humble ourselves
before God lest his hand rest upon us in anger for
our pride & many sins that we were runing into
in our days of prosperity as the ancient Nephites
did & it does now appear evident that a scourge
awates this stake of Zion even Kirtland if their
is not great repentance immediatly & almost
every countenance indicates the above expectation
esspecially the heads of the Church. See Dec 11th 1836
May the Lord in mercy enable us to Meet every event with resignation


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Whitmer, David
7 Jan 1805 - 25 Jan 1888
51 mentions


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Jan 17, 1837