22nd Sunday went up to the house of the Lord to
worship. Elder John E Page occ^u^pied the former part
of the day with an interesting relation of his travels
for the last eight months in the profince of uper
Canida he stated that he in company with Elders
James Blakesley & Harris had Baptized 267
persons he also gave an account of his persecutions
&c which he had to endure. The latter part of
the day was occupied by Elders Kimble & green
& of communion. Also at candle light I herd an
interesting discourse from Elders P. P. Pratt &
J. E. Page at Brother Bosley's Elder Pratt Also
warned us ^to^ humble ourselves before God & feed
the poor & clothe the needy & put away all
our sins lest judgment overtake us spedily
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