Day in the Life

Jul 19, 1837

Journal Entry

July 19, 1837 ~ Wednesday

19th Spent the day at fathers. I took the parting
{hand} with Brother Hale who started gfor New Rowley
I preached in the methodist meeting house in Farmington
at candle light to an attentive congregation they app
eared satisfyed with the doctrin, my parents, sister,
& wife were present. the congregation requested
me to hold another meeting with them


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Woodruff, Aphek, b. 1779
11 Nov 1779 - 28 May 1861
579 mentions
Webster, Eunice Hart Woodruff
19 Jun 1821 - 14 Jun 1853
272 mentions
Hale, Jonathan Harriman
1 Feb 1800 - 4 Sep 1846
151 mentions
Woodruff, Phebe Whittemore Carter
8 Mar 1807 - 10 Nov 1885
1583 mentions


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Related Documents

Browse other documents with this same date. These could include pages from Wilford Woodruff's autobiographies, daybooks, letters, histories, and personal papers. Click on the document titles to view the full document.

Autobiography 1882 Leaves from My Journal Notes 1

with us, on the , Elder Hale left us to go to his friends in New Rowley Mass and on the same evening I held a meeting in the Methodist meeting house in the Town of Farmington I had a large congregation of citizens with whom I had been acquainted from my youth up. My parents wife and sister attended the meeting. The congregation seemed satisfied with the doctrin I taught and they requested me to hold another meeting, but I felt anxious to continue my journey and on

Autobiography 1883 Tullidge's Quarterly Magazine

On the , Elder Hale left us to go to his friends in New Rowley, Massachusetts, and on the same evening I held a meeting in the Methodist meet- ing house in the town of Farmington. I had a large congregation of citizens, with whom I had been acquainted from my youth. My parents, wife and sister attended the meeting. The congrega- tion seemed satisfied with the doctrines I taught, and they requested me to hold another meeting; but I felt anxious to

Autobiography 1882 Leaves from My Journal

On the , Elder Hale left us to go to his friends in New Rowley, Mass., and on the same evening I held a meeting in the Methodist meeting-house in the town of Farm- ington. I had a large congregation of citizens, with whom I had been acquainted from my youth. My parents, wife and sister attended the meeting. The congregation seemed satis- fied with the doctrines I taught, and they requested me to

Autobiography 1865 Millennial Star

——Elder Hale went to New Rowley, Mass., to visit his friends. I had been solicited to preach to the citizens of Farmington by many promi- nent men, but every room which was offered me, including the town hall, was closed against me by the Rev. Noah Porter, pastor of the Presby- terian church, until the Methodist church was offered me, which he had not influence to close. Two hours after I gave out the appointment, the house was filled, and I preached to a very attentive congregation, including my father and his household, for an hour and a half, upon the first princi- ples of the Gospel; I gave liberty to the assembly to ask any questions, or find any fault with what I had said, but I met with no opposition.

Autobiography 1858 Deseret News

— — Elder Hale went to New Rowley, Mass., to visit his friends. I had been soli- cited to preach to the citizens of Farmington by many prominent men, but every room which was offered me, including the town hall, was closed against me by the Rev. Noah Porter, pastor of the Presbyterian church, until the Methodist church was offered me, which he had not influence to close. Two hours after I gave out the appointment, the house was filled, and I preached to a very attentive congrega- tion, including my father and his household, for an hour and a half, upon the first princi- ples of the gospel; I gave liberty to the assem- bly to ask any questions, or find any fault with what I had said, but I met with no opposition. [Column 2]

Autobiography 1857 Draft 1

Maine and met me at this point. & th I parted with Elder J. H. Hale who went to went to New Rowley Mass to visit his friends. I had been solicited to preach to the citizens of Farmington by many prominent men of the place but evry room which was offered me including the town hall was closed against me by Rev Noah Porter the Pastor of the Prysbeterian Church in that place, untill the Methodist Chapel was offered me which he had not in influence to close, in two hours after I gave out the appointment the house was filled and I preached to a very attentive congreg- ation ^including my Father and his household^ for 1 1/2 hours upon the first principle of the gospel. I gave liberty to the assembly to ask any questions or find any fault with what I had said but I met with no opposition

Autobiography 1857 Draft 2

—, I parted wi Elder Hale went to New Rowley, ^Mass.,^ to visit his friends. I had been solicited to preach to the citizens of Farmington by many prominent men, but every room which was offered me, including the town hall was closed against me by the Rev. Noah Porter, Pastor of the Presbyterian church, until the Methodist church was offered me, which he had not room ^influence^ to close, 2 hours after I gave out the appointment the house was filled, and I preached to a very attentive congregation, including my Father and his household, for an hour and a half upon the first principles of the Gospel; I gave liberty to the assembly to ask any questions, or find any fault with what I had said, but I met with no opposition.


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Jul 19, 1837