Day in the Life

Jul 25, 1837

Journal Entry

July 25, 1837 ~ Tuesday

25th Spent part of the day in writing I wrote a Letter
to Brother Asahel H Woodruff in the afternoon
I went to hear two quaker women lecture in public upon
the abolition question they found fault with the constitution


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Woodruff, Asahel Hart, b. 1814
11 Apr 1814 - 18 Oct 1838
219 mentions


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The whole distance of the three days walks above spoken of is 136 miles making 45 miles pr day Excell this ye who can & not be weary in body or lame in limb or joint & it will be because you are assisted by higher power than man {Limit a Nephite's journey.}
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Letter to Asahel Hart Woodruff, 25 July 1837
New Rowley, Essex County Mass. Asahel H. Woodruff, Dear Brother perhaps you will think strange that I should call your attention to the perusal of another page so soon from me. I remarked in my last that I should write again if I had any thing of interest to communicate. & so I have finished my visit with my friends in Conn" for the present at least. I thought it might not be amiss to inform you about matters and things July 8th I visited our relatives in west street uncle Thadeus Thompson family & all the friends who appeared glad to see me. I spent the night with Uncle Titus Woodruff. I found them all well. Sunday 9th I visited Uncle Ozem Woodruff & was truly rejoiced to once more take him by the hand I preached at early candele light at the Lovly Street School house by Uncle Ozem's to a full congregation of relatives, neighbours, & old acquaint- ance they gave good attention & treated me with the best of friendship[s] I spent the night with Uncle Alson Thompson. 10th I visited Collins ville & found the place had altered much since I lift [left] it, it was dull times with them no business going on excepting pulling down their shops & building greater they were making about $100,000 dollars of repairs. I spent the day in visiting the place Uncle Ozem was at work on the stone dam across the river cousin Samuel Barber was treading & doing well. I preached in the city hall at 5 oclock PM. to the inhabitants of Collinsville as I commenced speaking the drums commenced beating at the door's which continued for half an hour, their was some tumult in the house, however I preached them the word. Some few gave good attention such as Samuel Barber, Uncle Ozem, & (Jerry Humiston) ^xx^ who were present. I again preached on the 11th in the Lovly Street School house upon the Authenticity of the Book of mormon their prejudice was broaken down they gave good attention & found no fault quite a number were quite believeing & three offered themselves for Babtism I suppose I must tell you who they were viz Ozem Woodruff. Hannah Woodruff & John Woodruff their Son I repaired to the water & baptized them with great joy & consolation to my soul (thus ends that dream or vision which I had in Avon when about ten years of age). On the 12th I went to Simsbury to visit Aunt Cossetts family I had a very plesant visit with them


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Jul 25, 1837